BlockBlock icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BlockBlock copied to clipboard

BlockBlock provides continual protection by monitoring persistence locations.

Results 44 BlockBlock issues
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This issue might be unique to me, as I'm dogfooding Teams, but I'm getting tons of duplicate rules for the same TeamsUpdaterDaemon in BlockBlock: This might be due to the...

Hi, Having a new problem with 2.1.4 on Monterey (12.4) 14in M1 Max. Microsoft autoupdate runs very slow/hangs and log fills with "Error checking with notarization daemon: 3" errors from...

The function `-[Launchd itemObject:]` attempts to find the executable by parsing the plist of a newly installed launch agent. The checks on the parsed data are lacking, making it possible...

Add a search box to the rules section to make searching for rules easier.

When checking for an update running BlockBlock in Mojave, it responds that "a new version (2.1.4) is available!" As we all know, v2.x.x has always required macOS 15+.

Hi, I am currently missing a feature to manually whitelist / blacklist specific scripts / apps that trigger BlockBlock Alerts, but the "temporarily" checkbox cannot be unchecked. For example I'm...

proc args : -ApplePersistenceIgnoreStateQuietly YES -UIMacCatalystCreateInitialScene NO -UIMacCatalystLifecycleIsManaged NO -UIMacCatalystAllowBridgingPresentations NO -UIMacCatalystPrintingEnabled NO -UIMacCatalystSharingEnabled NO -UIMacCatalystDocumentBrowserEnabled NO -UIMacCatalystFontPickerEnabled NO -UIMacCatalystColorPickerEnabled NO

When I upgrade the app with cml `brew upgrade blockblock`, it will uninstall and reinstall blockblock. After this upgrade, all rules are lost. I haven't got time to figure out...

Hi, As BlockBlock 1.x has been moved to Endpoint Security framework and in WWDC20 Apple promises additional protections when using ES as System Extension, is there also plan to migrate...

``` ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Process: BlockBlock Helper [67564] Path: /Applications/BlockBlock Helper Identifier: com.objective-see.blockblock.helper Version: 2.1.4 (2.1.4) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User...