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Can not see any related ToMany field using ObjectBox Admin
I am using the latest version 3.7.0 and when looking at my data using ObjectBox Admin I can see the related Id field for ToOne relations. However any ToMany relations (backlink or not) simple don't show up anywhere. Not sure if it is considered too much data to show it or why it is missing. But even if it is not possible to show all the data, at least the presence of the ToMany relation should be visible somewhere. It's also not showing in the schema view.
In default.json it seem that ToOne show up as properties but ToMany are stored under relations. Like I said, I think it could be listed in the schema view and at list it's existence should be visible in the data view as well. Of course, ideally with data, but at least in some way.
Thanks for this request! Yes, currently standalone to-many relations are not shown in Admin.
For anyone else interested, please thumbs up the first comment!