objectbox-dart icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
objectbox-dart copied to clipboard

libobjectbox-jni.so not found

Open alsoLut opened this issue 3 years ago • 11 comments

Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'libobjectbox-jni.so': dlopen failed: library "libobjectbox-jni.so" not found

  • ObjectBox version: 1.3.0
  • Flutter/Dart SDK: 2.8.1
  • Null-safety enabled: yes
  • Reproducibility: always
  • OS: Android 6

alsoLut avatar Jan 20 '22 12:01 alsoLut

Thanks, but I can't reproduce this (using Android emulator). Could you share more details about the project, maybe even a small example project? Also what devices are you trying to run it on?

greenrobot-team avatar Jan 24 '22 07:01 greenrobot-team

Closing this issue due to inactivity. :zzz: Feel free to comment with more details or submit a new issue.

greenrobot-team avatar Feb 07 '22 06:02 greenrobot-team

I have same question in android Marshmallow(API 23) device Here is my option:


android {
    sourceSets {
        main() {
            java.srcDirs += 'src/main/kotlin'
            jni.srcDirs = []
            jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']
            res.srcDirs = ['src/main/res']

    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            abiFilters 'arm64-v8a', 'x86_64', 'armeabi-v7a'

flutter doctor

[√] Flutter (Channel unknown, 2.10.5, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1741], locale zh-CN)
    • Flutter version 2.10.5 at
    • Upstream repository unknown
    • Framework revision 5464c5bac7 (8 weeks ago), 2022-04-18 09:55:37 -0700
    • Engine revision 57d3bac3dd
    • Dart version 2.16.2
    • DevTools version 2.9.2
    • Pub download mirror https://pub.flutter-io.cn
    • Flutter download mirror https://storage.flutter-io.cn
[√] Android Studio (version 2021.2)
    • Android Studio at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
    • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
    • Dart plugin can be installed from:
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-b1504.28-7817840)

  objectbox: ^1.5.0
  objectbox_flutter_libs: any

    sdk: flutter

  # The "flutter_lints" package below contains a set of recommended lints to
  # encourage good coding practices. The lint set provided by the package is
  # activated in the `analysis_options.yaml` file located at the root of your
  # package. See that file for information about deactivating specific lint
  # rules and activating additional ones.
  flutter_lints: ^1.0.0
  build_runner: ^2.1.11
  objectbox_generator: any

// splash_controller.dart
  void onReady() {
   _store = await openStore().catchError((e) {
        throw e;

I/flutter (17898): Failed to load ObjectBox library. For Flutter apps, check if objectbox_flutter_libs is added to dependencies. For unit tests and Dart apps, check if the ObjectBox library was downloaded (https://docs.objectbox.io/getting-started).
E/flutter (17898): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(209)] Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'libobjectbox-jni.so': dlopen failed: library "libobjectbox-jni.so" not found
E/flutter (17898): #0      _open (dart:ffi-patch/ffi_dynamic_library_patch.dart:12:43)
E/flutter (17898): #1      new DynamicLibrary.open (dart:ffi-patch/ffi_dynamic_library_patch.dart:23:12)
E/flutter (17898): #2      _tryObjectBoxLibFile (package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart:77:29)
E/flutter (17898): #3      loadObjectBoxLib (package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart:94:12)
E/flutter (17898): #4      C (package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart:112:27)
E/flutter (17898): #5      C (package:objectbox/src/native/bindings/bindings.dart)
E/flutter (17898): #6      new Model (package:objectbox/src/native/model.dart:19:31)
E/flutter (17898): #7      new Store (package:objectbox/src/native/store.dart:117:21)
E/flutter (17898): #8      openStore (package:xxxxxx/objectbox.g.dart:276:5)
E/flutter (17898): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (17898): #9      SplashController.onReady.<anonymous closure> (package:xxxxxx/pages/splash/splash_controller.dart:30:16)
E/flutter (17898): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (17898): 

quewen08 avatar Jun 13 '22 09:06 quewen08

@quewen08 Can you analyze your APK or AAB file (e.g. open it with Android Studio) and make sure the libobjectbox-jni.so exists?

greenrobot-team avatar Jun 13 '22 12:06 greenrobot-team

Sure I have image

quewen08 avatar Jun 14 '22 01:06 quewen08

This appears to be an issue on Android 6 and older and can possibly be solved by loading the library in Java, then trying again to load the library in Dart: https://github.com/simolus3/drift/issues/895

Now I also see why https://github.com/objectbox/objectbox-dart/pull/328 makes sense (though would not do this for all devices, only if users actively call a workaround method, e.g. like sqlite3_flutter_libs or if the code could detect it's running on Android 6 or older).

@quewen08 Can you check what version of the Android Gradle Plugin is used in your project? And maybe try updating to the latest version? Are you building APKs or App Bundles? I remember the Gradle plugin receiving some fixes so native libraries are extracted on Android 6 devices, which should avoid this issue.

greenrobot-team avatar Jun 14 '22 06:06 greenrobot-team

I think my gradle version is enough


    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.1.2'
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"



quewen08 avatar Jun 14 '22 06:06 quewen08

@quewen08 Version 7.1.2 looks recent enough.

You may try the suggestion about targeting Android 6.0 in the warning at https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android#building-the-app-for-release

greenrobot-team avatar Jun 20 '22 06:06 greenrobot-team

@quewen08 Version 7.1.2 looks recent enough.

You may try the suggestion about targeting Android 6.0 in the warning at https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android#building-the-app-for-release

Hum, it seems useless. I tried add android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs=false in android/gradle.properties ,then I checked the AndroidManifest.xml, make sure it does not has android:extractNativeLibs=false in the <application> tag. And then I run it on my device, it also cannot get the libobjectbox-jni.so.

quewen08 avatar Jun 20 '22 10:06 quewen08

@quewen08 Thanks for trying! Then we probably have to add the workaround as described in my previous comment to a future release.

(Note for me: see internal issue for details.)

greenrobot-team avatar Jun 21 '22 09:06 greenrobot-team

I had the same problem and I solved it:

edit :

import 'objectbox.g.dart'; // created by `flutter pub run build_runner build`

class ObjectBox {
  /// The Store of this app.
  late final Store store;
  ObjectBox._create(this.store) {
    // Add any additional setup code, e.g. build queries.

  /// Create an instance of ObjectBox to use throughout the app.
  static Future<ObjectBox> create() async {
    // Future<Store> openStore() {...} is defined in the generated objectbox.g.dart
    final store = await openStore();
    return ObjectBox._create(store);

and changed it to :

 /// Create an instance of ObjectBox to use throughout the app.
  static Future<ObjectBox> create() async {
    try {
      final store = await openStore();
      return ObjectBox._create(store);
    } catch (e) {
      PackageInfo packageInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform();
      final store = await openStore();
      return ObjectBox._create(store);


What happened?

Well, if libobjectbox-jni.so could not load by https://github.com/objectbox/objectbox-dart/blob/main/flutter_libs/android/src/main/java/io/objectbox/objectbox_flutter_libs/ObjectboxFlutterLibsPlugin.java , DynamicLibrary.open("/data/data/${packageInfo.packageName}/lib/libobjectbox-jni.so"); will be load it manually with dart:ffi.

mdpe-ir avatar Jul 28 '22 15:07 mdpe-ir


didnt work here

mariovitor avatar Nov 02 '22 14:11 mariovitor


sorry, did not work, the app stuck on second load

kennir avatar Nov 11 '22 03:11 kennir

@mariovitor @kennir Are both of you trying to work with Android 6 devices? If not, could you please share what devices you are trying this on?

greenrobot-team avatar Nov 14 '22 07:11 greenrobot-team

@mariovitor @kennir Are both of you trying to work with Android 6 devices? If not, could you please share what devices you are trying this on?

Yes, Android 6 device. I fixed using Kotlin

In MainActivity.kt:

class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
    private val CHANNEL = "native_lib_dir"

    override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {

        MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler {
                call, result ->
            if (call.method == "loadNativeLibrary") {

                try {
                } catch (e: Throwable){
                    result.error("error on loading ${e.toString()}",null, null)
            } else {

created a method

loadNativeObjBoxLib() async {
     const channel = MethodChannel("native_lib_dir");
    return await channel.invokeMethod("loadNativeLibrary");

Put openStore() in a try/catch

Future<void> create() async {
      try {
      store = await openStore();
      } catch (e) {

        if (Platform.isAndroid) {
          try {
          await loadNativeObjBoxLib();
          store = await openStore();
          } catch (e) {
          log('error on object box objectbox $e');
          } else {
          log('error on object box objectbox $e');

mariovitor avatar Nov 14 '22 15:11 mariovitor

@mariovitor @kennir Are both of you trying to work with Android 6 devices? If not, could you please share what devices you are trying this on?

No, this is an android 5.1 device, I will try @mariovitor's solution later

kennir avatar Nov 15 '22 09:11 kennir

I'm experiencing the same issue Basic info (please complete the following information):

ObjectBox version: 1.7.2
Flutter/Dart SDK: 3.7.7
Null-safety enabled: yes 
Reproducibility: always
OS: Android 13
Device/Emulator: ASUS Zenfone 8

My dependencies

  sdk: '>=2.18.5 <3.0.0'

    sdk: flutter

  awesome_select: ^6.0.0
  permission_handler: ^10.2.0
  flutter_contacts: ^1.1.5+1
  objectbox: ^1.7.2
  objectbox_flutter_libs: any
  enough_icalendar: ^0.13.0
  workmanager: ^0.5.1
  intl: ^0.17.0
  rrule: ^0.2.10

    sdk: flutter
  build_runner: ^2.3.3
  flutter_lints: ^2.0.0
  mockito: ^5.3.2
  objectbox_generator: ^1.7.2
  faker: ^2.0.0

ChickenF622 avatar Mar 11 '23 00:03 ChickenF622

I'm experiencing the same issue Basic info (please complete the following information):

ObjectBox version: 1.7.2
Flutter/Dart SDK: 3.7.7
Null-safety enabled: yes 
Reproducibility: always
OS: Android 13
Device/Emulator: ASUS Zenfone 8

My dependencies

  sdk: '>=2.18.5 <3.0.0'

    sdk: flutter

  awesome_select: ^6.0.0
  permission_handler: ^10.2.0
  flutter_contacts: ^1.1.5+1
  objectbox: ^1.7.2
  objectbox_flutter_libs: any
  enough_icalendar: ^0.13.0
  workmanager: ^0.5.1
  intl: ^0.17.0
  rrule: ^0.2.10

    sdk: flutter
  build_runner: ^2.3.3
  flutter_lints: ^2.0.0
  mockito: ^5.3.2
  objectbox_generator: ^1.7.2
  faker: ^2.0.0


mariovitor avatar Mar 11 '23 01:03 mariovitor

@ChickenF622 Loading the library should not longer fail due to the reasons above on Android 13. It is more likely that you

  • maybe configured the build to somehow exclude the required files? E.g. can you check your App Bundle does actually include them?
  • or a user has sideloaded only part of the required APKs, missing the one including the native library.

greenrobot-team avatar Mar 13 '23 07:03 greenrobot-team

Found the issue. I was excluding the files from the debug build. I think I was halfway through trying to configure the admin, and stopped halfway through. Removing the below code, in my /android/app/build.gradle, fixed the issue.

configurations {
    debugImplementation {
        exclude group: 'io.objectbox', module: 'objectbox-android'

ChickenF622 avatar Mar 13 '23 17:03 ChickenF622

I just released a preview release objectbox: ^2.1.1-dev.2 which contains a new loadObjectBoxLibraryAndroidCompat() method in objectbox_flutter_libs (and objectbox_sync_flutter_libs).

If you are affected, it would help us if you could test if calling it before using any ObjectBox APIs resolves this issue on Android 6 devices (or older). E.g. something like:

Future<void> main() async {
  // This is required so ObjectBox can get the application directory
  // to store the database in.

  // Fix to load library on Android 6 devices (or older)
  objectbox = await ObjectBox.create();

  runApp(const MyApp());

If successful, we might consider calling this by default when e.g. using the openStore helper method for Flutter apps (it will only run on Android 6 or older devices).

greenrobot-team avatar Jun 20 '23 13:06 greenrobot-team

@greenrobot-team, hello! We are affected by this issue and tried to switch to 2.1.1-dev.2. I can tell for now that during coarse testing we've encountered no issues. We'd like to handle the issue but we don't want to use a non-release version. Could you please tell when you're planning to make a new release this this fix included?

Tumist76 avatar Aug 03 '23 04:08 Tumist76

If successful, we might consider calling this by default when e.g. using the openStore helper method for Flutter apps (it will only run on Android 6 or older devices).

@Tumist76 and others: do you think that's worth that we put in some effort to call this automatically? (I'm a bit surprised to see Android 6 is still supported by app devs.)

greenrobot avatar Aug 04 '23 08:08 greenrobot

@Tumist76 and others: do you think that's worth that we put in some effort to call this automatically? (I'm a bit surprised to see Android 6 is still supported by app devs.)

If there isn't any downsides, I think it'll be better to call this automatically so library usage is identical for those who support Android 6 and for those who don't.

As for Android 6 support altogether - well, it's not like we want to support it, but it still has userbase so we're trying to cover it :)

Tumist76 avatar Aug 04 '23 08:08 Tumist76

Just curious, what's the percentage of your users on Android 6?

greenrobot avatar Aug 04 '23 11:08 greenrobot

Really sorry, but I can't disclose this info. Let's just say that'll probably be cheaper to buy these users newer phones than for us to support Android 6 :)

Tumist76 avatar Aug 04 '23 11:08 Tumist76

We have released version 2.2.0 which includes the compat method mentioned above. Please update using flutter pub upgrade (or dart pub upgrade for Dart Native projects).

Let us know if this fixes the issue on Android 6 and 5 devices. If so, we will consider calling the compat method automatically on these devices in a future release.

greenrobot-team avatar Aug 08 '23 15:08 greenrobot-team

Thank you for fast release! We've updated our app to use 2.2.0 in test environments. I'll let you know in about a week, if everything's okay after testing.

Tumist76 avatar Aug 10 '23 07:08 Tumist76

Reporting back. We've passed the tests everything's fine on both Android 6.0 and later versions. We didn't test <Android 6.0 though.

Tumist76 avatar Aug 21 '23 09:08 Tumist76

With the latest release (2.5.0) the workaround is called automatically when using the generated openStore() helper (requires to re-run dart run build_runner build). In this case you can remove the duplicate call from your code.

greenrobot-team avatar Feb 14 '24 14:02 greenrobot-team