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Dashboard for unifying Nagios data across multiple sites


screenshot screenshot


Lipstick is a unified dashboard for collecting and presenting Nagios activity across multiple sites. It uses a MongoDB database for storing Nagios site configuration and event data.



Lipstick supports a number of optional environment variables. These can be set explicitly in the environment or in an .env file, supported by Foreman.

  • MONGODB_URI - MongoDB connection string URI and database name. Defaults to mongodb://
  • EVENTS_UPDATE_ON_BOOT - If set to false, disables the default behavior of loading all Nagios events into cache at startup.
  • EVENTS_UPDATE_INTERVAL - How frequently to update all Nagios events into the cache. Defaults to 60 (seconds).
  • NAGIOS_USER - Username for authenticating to the Nagios backend(s).
  • NAGIOS_PASS - Password for authenticating to the Nagios backend(s).
  • NAGIOS_VERSION - Version of Nagios (e.g. 3 or 4), needed by nagios-api.
  • NAGIOS_DATE_FORMAT - Date format used by Nagios (e.g. us, iso8601, etc), needed by nagios-api.
  • FORCE_HTTPS - If set, causes Rack to redirect all insecure HTTP connections to HTTPS.
  • SSL_VERSION - String used to force a specific SSL version (e.g. SSLv3) for any backend HTTPS connections to Nagios.
  • SSL_VERIFY_NONE - Used to override SSL peer verification. Do not use this unless you have a good reason. You have been warned.


$ bundle install
$ foreman start
$ open


It's suggested that you keep separate .env and .env-production files for development and production, respectively. The former will be loaded automatically by foreman when you run locally. The latter can be used to set your Heroku config vars (see below).

$ heroku create
$ for var in `cat .env.production`; do heroku config:set $var; done
$ heroku addons:add mongohq
$ heroku config:set MONGODB_URI=`heroku config:get MONGOHQ_URL`
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku scale web=1
$ heroku open


Lipstick is distributed under the MIT license.