termwrapper.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
termwrapper.nvim copied to clipboard

lua wrapper for neovim terminal


note: This plugin is in heavy development. Expect breaking changes. Also, this plugin support Neovim 0.5 only

termwrapper.nvim is a wrapper for neovim's terminal features to make them more user friendly.



  • toggle the terminal without losing any of the commands running in the terminal
  • toggling the terminal will keep the size
  • send commands to terminal
  • auto exit terminal when running exit (no [Process exited 0] messages and then having to press a key to quit)
  • auto insert when creating the terminal
  • good defaults
  • written in lua



Plug 'oberblastmeister/termwrapper.nvim'


use 'oberblastmeister/termwrapper.nvim'



require"termwrapper".setup {
    -- these are all of the defaults
    open_autoinsert = true, -- autoinsert when opening
    toggle_autoinsert = true, -- autoinsert when toggling
    autoclose = true, -- autoclose, (no [Process exited 0])
    winenter_autoinsert = false, -- autoinsert when entering the window
    default_window_command = "belowright 13split", -- the default window command to run when none is specified,
                                                   -- opens a window in the bottom
    open_new_toggle = true, -- open a new terminal if the toggle target does not exist
    log = 1, -- 1 = warning, 2 = info, 3 = debug


You can use termwrapper to run your tests with vim-test like this

let g:test#custom_strategies = {'termwrapper': function('TermWrapperStrategy')}
let g:test#strategy = 'termwrapper'


  • T: create a new termwrapper
  • Ttoggle: toggle the termwrapper
  • TsendLine: send the current line to the termwrapper
  • Tsend: send argument to the terminal
  • TsendLineAdvance: same as TsendLine but goes to the next non-empty line in the file