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Python API for the Launchpad Mini MK3
Python API for the Novation Launchpad Mini MK3
The goals of this project are as follows:
- Intuitive, object-oriented design
- Convenient for use in script and shell
- Access to all (or most) of the Launchpad Mini MK3 MIDI features
To install the most stable version of this package, run:
$ pip install lpminimk3
To test the installation, connect your Launchpad to your computer and run:
$ python -m lpminimk3.examples.hello
Usage example
Make sure your Launchpad is connected to your computer.
In script
Control LEDs individually:
"""Display a random array of colors for 5 seconds.
from lpminimk3 import Mode, find_launchpads
import random
import time
lp = find_launchpads()[0] # Get the first available launchpad
lp.open() # Open device for reading and writing on MIDI interface (by default)
lp.mode = Mode.PROG # Switch to the programmer mode
for led in lp.panel.led_range(): # Loop through all LEDs
led.color = random.randint(1, 127) # Set LED to a random color
time.sleep(5) # Keep LEDs on for a while
for led in lp.panel.led_range():
del led.color # Turn off LED
Render text on Launchpad's surface:
"""Scroll text from right to left across the Launchpad's surface.
from lpminimk3 import Mode, find_launchpads
from lpminimk3.graphics import Text
lp = find_launchpads()[0] # Get the first available launchpad
lp.open() # Open device for reading and writing on MIDI interface (by default)
lp.mode = Mode.PROG # Switch to the programmer mode
lp.grid.render(Text(' Hello, world!').scroll()) # Scroll text once
See more examples here.
In shell
Start by finding a connected device and opening the device for reading and writing:
$ python
>>> import lpminimk3
>>> lp = lpminimk3.find_launchpads()[0]
>>> lp.open()
Query the device to ensure we can read and write to it:
>>> lp.device_inquiry() # Query device
MidiEvent(message=[240, 0, 32, 41, 2, 13, 14, 1, 247], deltatime=150.938086752)
Switch to programmer
mode to start manipulating button LEDs:
>>> lp.mode = 'prog' # Switch to programmer mode
>>> lp.grid.led(0).color = 10 # Set color of LED at grid position 0 to yellow (Valid values: 0 - 127)
>>> lp.grid.led(1,0).color = lpminimk3.colors.ColorPalette.Red.SHADE_1 # Set from palette
>>> lp.grid.led('0x1').color = lpminimk3.colors.WebColor("amethyst") # Set color from web colors
>>> lp.panel.led('logo').color = 'violet' # Set logo LED color to violet
>>> lp.panel.led('drums').color = 'green2' # Set 'Drums' LED color to second shade of green
>>> lp.panel.led('stop').color = 'w1' # Set 'Stop/Solo/Mute' LED color to first shade of white
>>> lp.panel.led('mute').color = 'o3' # Set 'Stop/Solo/Mute' LED color to third shade of orange
>>> lp.panel.led('mute').color = 'r0' # Invalid but okay, will default to 'r1'
>>> lp.panel.led('scene_launch_1').color = '#ff0000' # Set color to red using hex
>>> lp.panel.led('scene_launch_2').color = (0, 0, 255) # Set color to blue using rgb
>>> lp.panel.led('mute').color = 0 # Turn off LED
>>> lp.panel.led('logo').reset() # Another way to turn off LED
>>> del lp.panel.led('stop').color # Another way to turn off LED
>>> lp.panel.reset() # Turn off all LEDs
Note in the above snippet that lp.grid
only contains the grid buttons
(i.e. the translucent, faceless buttons) and lp.panel
contains all buttons
(including the logo LED at the top right corner).
Wait for and respond to button presses and releases:
>>> ev = lp.panel.buttons().poll_for_event() # Block until any button is pressed/released
>>> ev
ButtonEvent(button='7x5', type='press', deltatime=0.0)
Or only button releases instead:
>>> ev = lp.panel.buttons().poll_for_event(type='release') # Block until released
>>> ev
ButtonEvent(button='up', type='release', deltatime=0.0)
Pass button names as arguments to wait for specific button events:
>>> lp.panel.buttons('up', '0x0', 'stop').poll_for_event()
Render A
on Launchpad's surface:
>>> from lpminimk3.graphics import Text
>>> lp.grid.render(Text('A'))
Print A
in console:
>>> Text('A').print()
Scroll Hello, world!
on Launchpad's surface indefinitely:
>>> lp.grid.render(Text(' Hello, world!').scroll(count=-1))
Extended graphics support
is also capable of rendering graphics from bitmaps and movies. These are JSON files that describe the rendering data in a high-level format. Data in these files are grouped as frames. A frame is a sequence of bits and their color configurations. A bitmap file consists of a single frame while a movie file consists of a sequence of frames.
Syncing with LP Sketch
If you want to create and edit bitmaps and/or movies with a graphical tool, try LP Sketch. LP Sketch is a free online Launchpad editor specifically designed for use with lpminimk3
. You can also sync your Launchpad with LP Sketch by starting lpminimk3
's sync server:
$ python -m lpminimk3.graphics.sync
Once the server is running, visit the LP Sketch website to start creating bitmaps and movies live.
Rendering bitmaps and movies
Render smiley.bitmap.json
on Launchpad's surface:
"""Render "Smiley" bitmap.
from lpminimk3 import Mode, find_launchpads
from lpminimk3.graphics import Bitmap
from lpminimk3.graphics.art import Bitmaps
lp = find_launchpads()[0] # Get the first available launchpad
lp.open() # Open device for reading and writing on MIDI interface (by default)
lp.mode = Mode.PROG # Switch to the programmer mode
lp.grid.render(Bitmap(Bitmaps.SMILEY)) # Display bitmap
# OR
# lp.grid.render(Bitmap("/path/to/smiley.bitmap.json"))
Render ping_pong.movie.json
on Launchpad's surface:
"""Render "Ping/Pong" movie.
from lpminimk3 import Mode, find_launchpads
from lpminimk3.graphics import Movie
from lpminimk3.graphics.art import Movies
lp = find_launchpads()[0] # Get the first available launchpad
lp.open() # Open device for reading and writing on MIDI interface (by default)
lp.mode = Mode.PROG # Switch to the programmer mode
lp.grid.render(Movie(Movies.PING_PONG).play()) # Play movie once
# OR
# lp.grid.render(Movie("/path/to/ping_pong.movie.json").play())
For convenience, you can use the render script, render.py
$ python -m lpminimk3.graphics.render -f /path/to/bitmap/or/movie.json
can be used to render text, bitmaps and movies on the Launchpad and on the console. For more options, run:
$ python -m lpminimk3.graphics.render -h