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support for IOS
First things first,this framework is really good. :).I was excited to see how it works on my ipad.Your own website droptiles.com doesn't seem to work on IOS6. Can't drag tiles. One more advice, it would be nice if sections have a property like maxHeight after which other section tiles cannot be dragged into this. This will avoid ugly vertical scroll. Thanks !
I was so excited to find this but then disappointed to see you cannot click tiles nor move them on the iPad. I hope this can be resolved? I was wanting to use this is in a commercial product but I'll have to seek alternatives since iPad is crucial to us.
Any progress on this? Is this project still active?
I've carried out a port of DropTiles to Drupal as a Theme with tile layouts, etc. in the Drupal user profile and changing out the .Net code for PHP. It's not a full release but you can get it at http://drupal.org/sandbox/charlie_love/1880114 and it is working at http://www.glew.org.uk
I've started to recode for a full mobile responsive layout but I haven't made much progress with it yet.
I now have iOS/mobile support enabled (for most things) by adding jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js (http://touchpunch.furf.com/) to the js files to include. This now supports the drag and drop of tiles, launching of tiles and the drag to scroll to the various sections - still working on the touch events to add files to dashboard from apps store.