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Droptiles--Localhost server
I am running droptiles on a localhost server. The droptiles loads but none of the apps show up. The aspx server code loads and I can see the signin page but none of the widgets show up. Rather, this error message shows up. Can Ozabir or someone help me on this? Thanks.
Warning! Your browser is incompatible with Droptiles. Please use Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. ×Warning! Combined javascript files are outdated. Please retun the js\Combine.bat file. Otherwise it won't work when you will deploy on a server.
I am experiencing the same issue running Droptiles on Apache. Did you find a solution?
Hey,paulitl No, sad to report. Droptiles works great when run on an IIS server but not on apache. I tried running it in Ubuntu and it didnt work. The .bat file that minifies the CSS needs to be changed to run on anything other than windows machines. Can you let me know if you have any luck?
I m facing the same issue plz some one assist me
Hi everybody...rename css/droptiles.css to css/Droptiles.css in index page.
Hi rahamsher thanks for resolving my issue....
I am running on linux and found that the rename didn't resolve all the issues with the: Warning! Your browser is incompatible with Droptiles. Please use Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. ×Warning! Combined javascript files are outdated. Please retun the js\Combine.bat file. Otherwise it won't work when you will deploy on a server.
because the Combine.bat is meant for windows, it doesn't work on linux, however you can manually run this list of commands in the /js folder from the shell.
rm Combined.js cat Underscore.js >> Combined.js cat Underscore.string.js >> Combined.js cat jquery-1.9.1.min.js >> Combined.js cat jquery-ui-1.10.2.custom.min.js >> Combined.js cat jQueryEnhancement.js >> Combined.js cat jQuery.MouseWheel.js >> Combined.js cat jquery.kinetic.js >> Combined.js cat Knockout-2.1.0.js >> Combined.js cat knockout.sortable.js >> Combined.js cat cookie.js >> Combined.js cat jQuery.hashchange.js >> Combined.js cat jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js >> Combined.js cat bootstrap.min.js >> Combined.js cat User.js >> Combined.js
rm CombinedDashboard.js cat TheCore.js >> CombinedDashboard.js cat ../Tiles/Tiles.js >> CombinedDashboard.js cat Dashboard.js >> CombinedDashboard.js
hope this helps someone :)