middleware copied to clipboard
A collection of middleware to use with oak. 🐿️ 🦕
Code: ``` import { Application } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts"; import { responseTimeHeader } from "https://deno.land/x/oak_middleware/observability/response_time_header.ts"; const app = new Application(); app.use(responseTimeHeader); app.use((ctx: any, next: any) => { ctx.response.body = "Hello Oak!";...
It should not take a week to figure out how to set up WebSockets with oak. This is the idiot's websocket module. Mostly for documentation but it is useful for...
https://github.com/expressjs/vhost ~~also the links to this repo are broken, they still link to `oak/middleware`~~ fixed
Hi! I'm the author of [Eta](https://eta.js.org), an embedded template engine that works with Deno. I just created middleware that adds template rendering with Eta to Oak, and I'm wondering where...