SolidOak icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SolidOak copied to clipboard

An IDE for Rust

Results 17 SolidOak issues
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This will be done through a Vim plugin.


``` Process: solidoak-bin [2818] Path: /Users/USER/Downloads/ Identifier: net.sekao.solidoak Version: 0.1.3 (1) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible: solidoak-bin [2818] User ID: 502 Date/Time: 2015-05-02 01:27:13.725 +0800 OS...

`gtk` handles Windows platform for a while now. Any project to add Windows support of SolidOak ? :)

Some jurisdictions have no concept of committing a work to the "Public Domain" - and others have rights that cannot be waived (authorship rights vs. editorial rights). CC0 handles these...

Is `SolidOak` going to support RLS? There is a plugin for neovim supports Rust Language Server:

SolidOak built-in terminal does not recognize terminated process Steps to reproduce: - build latest master of solidoak on debian testing, as described in - create new project, by clicking...

Hi all I tried to build a DockerContainer but I have a strange error message: ``` error: could not find native static library `nvim`, perhaps an -L flag is missing?...

Copying, pasting from the clipboard (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) does not seem to work. Am I missing something?

I have problems in OsX with locale settings. The character set don't display correctly with the spanish keyboard. There are some way to configure it? Thank you!

1. Disclosure triangles don't appear in the project tree. 2. The "Quit SolidOak" menu item doesn't work. 3. Fullscreen mode doesn't work.
