hello-sense-server copied to clipboard
Useful ressources
after tearing down my unit yesterday (with almost no damage, only one little square of the grid, easily replaced by similar tape), I googled "n51422 hello sense" and found one link. And then many other links.
- https://lyndsaywilliams.blogspot.fr/2015/07/hello-sense-sleep-computer-under.html
- https://fccid.io/document.php?id=2540760
- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hello/sense-know-more-sleep-better/comments
- https://medium.com/@hello/goodbye-hello-c62ea1f58d13 (comments)
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14541233
- (https://www.facebook.com/groups/hellosense/)
- (not easy to keep track if people post informations everywhere)
- https://github.com/hello (of course)
- https://github.com/oaeide/hello-sense-server/ (of course too)
- http://jeffhuang.com/extracting_my_data_from_the_hello_sense.html (not really useful now)
- https://github.com/fredkelly/sense-client (same)
Datasheets / schematics:
- http://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/pdf/nRF51422_PS_v3.1.pdf
- https://github.com/hello/morpheus-board-pill-flex
- https://github.com/hello/morpheus-board-led-flex
- https://github.com/hello/morpheus-board-pill/
- https://github.com/hello/morpheus-board-led
- https://github.com/hello/morpheus-board-bottom
- https://github.com/hello/morpheus-board-top
- https://github.com/hello/morpheus-board-middle
- https://github.com/hello/hello-hardware-components
- https://github.com/hello/pill-board
- https://github.com/hello/kitsune/tree/master/reference/ (!)
- ... there a ressources folder in one (or more?) of the big repo
If you have dumped the SD Card, you can get readable audio files using this (that's almost the only thing here, apart from unreadable logs):
Get-Item *.raw | ForEach-Object { &"C:\path\to\ffmpeg.exe" -f s16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -i $_.Name ($_.Basename+".flac") }
In the sources there's many mentions of the BLE UIDS & OpCode.
For the teardown, my advise is:
- remove the 4 bottom screws & open
- remove the 2 long screws on the sides of the orb
- put back the 4 screws (eventually with the bottom), and use them to extract the module (cylinder with circuits) from the orb
The top module is softly glued to the top orb module, but with the 4 screws(& the bottom) you should have enough grip to "unglue". Don't turn the grid ("accoustic mesh") inside the orb, you'll likely tear it in the end.
I hope this will be useful 😉
Wow, great job! Thanks