gnome-shell-minimize-to-tray icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gnome-shell-minimize-to-tray copied to clipboard

v5 incompatibility with gnome-shell version lower than 3.32

Open JayBeeDe opened this issue 4 years ago • 12 comments

Thank you for the new version, I will test it at home with my Ubuntu 20. Regarding my enterprise laptop, I'm still stuck with a Ubuntu 18 (gnome-shell version 3.28). When I try to open the settings (with my enterprise laptop) from the gnome tweaks Extensions section, I get:

TypeError: imports.misc.extensionUtils.getSettings is not a function

Stack trace:
  exports.getCurrentExtensionSettings@/home/user/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/prefs.js:441:45
  Preferences@/home/user/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/prefs.js:130:25
  buildPrefsWidget@/home/user/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/prefs.js:249:19

I have removed the old settings from the previous version with dconf to be sure.

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 17 '20 08:08 JayBeeDe

I don't have any gnome 3.28 setup for development right now. I will try to look into it this weekend. Pull requests are welcome too :)

oae avatar Aug 17 '20 09:08 oae

Hi, yes sure In the meantime, I have tested it at home on Ubuntu 20 with gnome shell version 3.36.4 and a clean dconf (/org/gnome/shell/extensions/minimize-to-tray/ removed before updating extension from v4 to v5). There is a different error but with the settings too:

Error: Expected type utf8 for Argument 'schema_id' but got type 'undefined'

Stack trace:
  exports.getCurrentExtensionSettings@/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/prefs.js:441:73
  Preferences@/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/prefs.js:130:33
  buildPrefsWidget@/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/prefs.js:249:19

After manually setting the dconf key /org/gnome/shell/extensions/minimize-to-tray/apps to the following value: '[{"name":"Evolution","state":"enabled"},{"name":"KeePassXC","state":"enabled"},{"name":"Telegram Desktop","state":"enabled"}]' I get the extension working fine, but still the same message is appearing when trying to display the extension settings...

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 17 '20 17:08 JayBeeDe

dconf types are different now. If you put those values it shouldn't work. The extension is not updated on yet. How did you install it? Can you provide the steps so I can reproduce it?

oae avatar Aug 17 '20 18:08 oae

dconf types are different now. If you put those values it shouldn't work. The extension is not updated on yet. How did you install it? Can you provide the steps so I can reproduce it? With an ansible playbook

Manually disable and remove the extension rm -fr /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/

just replace "myuser" with your username, and run ansible-playbook gnome.yaml

File gnome.yaml

- hosts: all
    user: myuser
    fullname: "JayBeeDe"
    email: ""
  become: yes
  become_user: "{{ user }}"
    HOME: "/home/{{ user }}"
    USER: "{{ user }}"
    USERNAME: "{{ user }}"
    LOGNAME: "{{ user }}"
    - include: gnome-extensions.yaml
      -[email protected]

    - name: Configuring minimize-to-tray extension...
      dconf: key="/org/gnome/shell/extensions/minimize-to-tray/apps" value="'[{\"name\":\"Evolution\",\"state\":\"enabled\"},{\"name\":\"KeePassXC\",\"state\":\"enabled\"},{\"name\":\"Telegram Desktop\",\"state\":\"enabled\"}]'"

File gnome-extensions.yaml

    - name: Preparing installation...
        path: /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/tmp/
        state: absent
      become: yes
      become_user: "root"

    - name: Setting tmp directory...
        path: /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/tmp/
        state: directory
        mode: '0777'
        owner: root
        group: root
      become: yes
      become_user: "root"

    - name: Downloading Extension...
        src: "{{ item }}"
        dest: /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/tmp/
        remote_src: yes
        mode: '0777'
        owner: root
        group: root
      become: yes
      become_user: "root"

    - name: Reading metadata...
      shell: cat /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/tmp/metadata.json
      register: json

    - name: Parsing metadata...
        uuid: "{{ (json.stdout | from_json).uuid }}"

    - name: Checking if extension is already (sytem wide) installed...
        path: "/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/{{ uuid }}"
      register: p

    - name: Logical evaluation...
        toBeInstalled: yes
      when: p.stat.isdir is not defined or not p.stat.isdir

    - name: Logical evaluation...
        toBeInstalled: no
      when: p.stat.isdir is defined and p.stat.isdir

    - name: "Installing extension {{ uuid }}..."
      shell: mv "/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/tmp/" "/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/{{ uuid }}"
      become: yes
      become_user: "root"
      when: toBeInstalled

    - name: Reading configuration...
      shell: dconf read /org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions | sed -r "s:\]$::g"
      register: extlst
    - name: Pre-processing data...
        extlst: "{{ extlst.stdout }}"

    - name: Processing data...
        extlst: "{{ extlst }}, "
      when: extlst != "[" and extlst != ""

    - name: Processing data...
        extlst: "[{{ extlst }}"
      when: extlst == ""

    - name: Enabling extension...
      dconf: key="/org/gnome/shell/development-tools" value="false"
      when: toBeInstalled

    - name: "Enabling extension {{ uuid }}..."
      dconf: key="/org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions" value="{{ extlst }}'{{ uuid }}']"
      when: toBeInstalled

    - name: Updating dconf...
      shell: dconf update 2>/dev/null
      ignore_errors: yes
      when: toBeInstalled

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 17 '20 18:08 JayBeeDe

I have installed it using ansible and works fine.

oae avatar Aug 17 '20 19:08 oae

Regarding the Ubuntu 20 issue ("Error: Expected type utf8 for Argument 'schema_id' but got type 'undefined'"), it could be just related to the locale that is set to fr_FR. Some people also had the same issue with the "Qwant-Gnome-shell-integration" gnome extension: see here. However, adding the schema as argument to the function getSettings didn't solve the problem, so that's why they switched back to the getSettings without arguments (like you did in minimize-to-tray). I'm pretty sure that it is related to the locale (there are a lot of french developers involved in the development of Qwant-Gnome-shell-integration gnome extension), I will have to check by myself this evening.

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 18 '20 07:08 JayBeeDe

Regarding the Ubuntu 20 issue ("Error: Expected type utf8 for Argument 'schema_id' but got type 'undefined'"), it could be just related to the locale that is set to fr_FR. Some people also had the same issue with the "Qwant-Gnome-shell-integration" gnome extension: see here. However, adding the schema as argument to the function getSettings didn't solve the problem, so that's why they switched back to the getSettings without arguments (like you did in minimize-to-tray). I'm pretty sure that it is related to the locale (there are a lot of french developers involved in the development of Qwant-Gnome-shell-integration gnome extension), I will have to check by myself this evening.

Fixed on Ubuntu 20 after an (unattended) upgrade of the packages gnome-shell-extension-prefs, gnome-shell-common, gnome-shell

tail -f /var/log/apt/history.log
Start-Date: 2020-08-18  19:35:35
Commandline: /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade
Upgrade: gnome-shell-extension-prefs:amd64 (3.36.4-1ubuntu1~20.04.1, 3.36.4-1ubuntu1~20.04.2), gnome-shell-common:amd64 (3.36.4-1ubuntu1~20.04.1, 3.36.4-1ubuntu1~20.04.2), gnome-shell:amd64 (3.36.4-1ubuntu1~20.04.1, 3.36.4-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)
End-Date: 2020-08-18  19:35:40

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 18 '20 18:08 JayBeeDe

I tried to add support for gnome 3.28 to new version but it has too many problems. So I have updated the code in old_version branch. Can you try it for ubuntu 18?

oae avatar Aug 23 '20 06:08 oae

Hi, Thank you very much @oae . I've just installed in my laptop under Ubuntu 18 and it seems to work fine for the moment. I will let you know and close this ticket at the end of the week if it's still working fine.

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 26 '20 09:08 JayBeeDe

So after one day of utilization:

  • no random poping up as before (issue #8 is clearly resolved)
  • the extension crashes after locking & unlocking the computer: extension is automatically disabled and cannot be enabled in "tweak" extension window.

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 27 '20 15:08 JayBeeDe

I will look into it.

oae avatar Aug 27 '20 15:08 oae

Here are the logs from the command:

journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell -q --follow --no-pager 2>&1

During the session lock

août 28 09:50:15 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [window-listener] updating current state
août 28 09:50:15 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [window-listener] new state: [{"pid":4148,"idInDec":"39845893","hidden":true},{"pid":10646,"idInDec":"46137413","hidden":true},{"pid":4146,"idInDec":"41943066","hidden":false}]
août 28 09:50:16 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [window-listener] updating current state
août 28 09:50:16 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [window-listener] new state: [{"pid":4148,"idInDec":"39845893","hidden":true},{"pid":10646,"idInDec":"46137413","hidden":true},{"pid":4146,"idInDec":"41943066","hidden":true}]
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x562f31c77c40), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: == Stack trace for context 0x562f2f44f4d0 ==
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #0 0x7ffd1f4d4d30 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:83 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 87)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #1 0x562f2f7f6810 i   /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/indicatorStatusIcon.js:93 (0x7fcc770dc230 @ 58)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #2 0x7ffd1f4d6090 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #3 0x7ffd1f4d6150 b   self-hosted:916 (0x7fccc81f12b8 @ 367)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #4 0x7ffd1f4d6240 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #5 0x562f2f7f6788 i   /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/appIndicator.js:190 (0x7fcc770c8e68 @ 22)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #6 0x7ffd1f4d75a0 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #7 0x562f2f7f66e0 i   /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/statusNotifierWatcher.js:219 (0x7fcc770c84d8 @ 225)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #8 0x7ffd1f4d8900 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #9 0x562f2f7f6668 i   /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/extension.js:61 (0x7fcc770c1780 @ 37)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #10 0x562f2f7f65a8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:83 (0x7fccb3e592b8 @ 441)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #11 0x562f2f7f6528 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:354 (0x7fccb3e59d58 @ 13)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #12 0x7ffd1f4d9670 b   self-hosted:251 (0x7fccc81c4ab0 @ 223)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #13 0x562f2f7f64a8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:353 (0x7fccb3e59cd0 @ 64)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #14 0x562f2f7f6428 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:371 (0x7fccb3e59de0 @ 87)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #15 0x7ffd1f4dab70 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #16 0x7ffd1f4db940 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:205 (0x7fccb3a704d8 @ 254)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #17 0x562f2f7f61f8 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #18 0x562f2f7f6170 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:167 (0x7fccb3a702b8 @ 40)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #19 0x562f2f7f60c8 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #20 0x562f2f7f6020 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1282 (0x7fccb3a53a28 @ 188)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #21 0x562f2f7f5f78 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #22 0x562f2f7f5ec8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1331 (0x7fccb3a53ab0 @ 391)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #23 0x562f2f7f5e20 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #24 0x562f2f7f5d98 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/shellDBus.js:462 (0x7fccb3a5cbc0 @ 67)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #25 0x562f2f7f5cf0 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #26 0x562f2f7f5c28 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/overrides/Gio.js:295 (0x7fccc81e5450 @ 614)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #27 0x562f2f7f5b80 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/overrides/Gio.js:326 (0x7fccc81e5670 @ 34)
août 28 09:50:22 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [mtt] disable

During the session unlock

août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: BingWallpaper extension: Replace icon set to : bing-dark
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: BingWallpaper extension: next check in 60 seconds @ local time [boxed instance proxy GIName:GLib.DateTime jsobj@0x7fcc74136880 native@0x562f32d86ba0]
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: AppOutputStreamSlider
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: AdvOutputStreamSlider
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [0x562f2fe2c460 StLabel.popup-menu-ornament:first-child ("")]
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [0x562f3210fe20 StIcon.adv-volume-icon]
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [0x562f31942190 StLabel ("")]
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [0x562f347f7860 StBin.popup-menu-item-expander]
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [0x562f320983a0 StWidget:last-child]
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: Object St.DrawingArea (0x562f316bd450), has been already deallocated - impossible to access it. This might be caused by the object having been destroyed from C code using something such as destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: == Stack trace for context 0x562f2f44f4d0 ==
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #0 0x562f2f7f6230 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/widget.js:145 (0x7fcc77063230 @ 119)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #1 0x7ffd1f4d76e0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #2 0x7ffd1f4d7730 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:18 (0x7fccc81b5a28 @ 36)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #3 0x7ffd1f4d77f0 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:114 (0x7fccc81b5f78 @ 178)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #4 0x562f2f7f6188 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/mixer.js:57 (0x7fcc7705d230 @ 415)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #5 0x7ffd1f4d8450 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #6 0x7ffd1f4d8490 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:18 (0x7fccc81b5a28 @ 36)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #7 0x7ffd1f4d8540 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:114 (0x7fccc81b5f78 @ 178)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #8 0x562f2f7f60e8 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/extension.js:36 (0x7fcc77052b38 @ 26)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #9 0x7ffd1f4d9280 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:135 (0x7fccb3e59340 @ 509)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #10 0x7ffd1f4d9320 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:342 (0x7fccb3e59c48 @ 13)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #11 0x7ffd1f4d9410 b   self-hosted:251 (0x7fccc81c4ab0 @ 223)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #12 0x562f2f7f6068 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:341 (0x7fccb3e59bc0 @ 76)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #13 0x562f2f7f5fe8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:369 (0x7fccb3e59de0 @ 67)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #14 0x7ffd1f4da910 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #15 0x7ffd1f4da9d0 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:205 (0x7fccb3a704d8 @ 254)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #16 0x7ffd1f4daa30 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #17 0x562f2f7f5f58 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:174 (0x7fccb3a70340 @ 100)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #18 0x7ffd1f4db610 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: clutter_actor_destroy: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self)' failed
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #19 0x562f2f7f5eb0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1212 (0x7fccb3a53918 @ 159)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #20 0x7ffd1f4dc1f0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #21 0x562f2f7f5e30 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1198 (0x7fccb3a53890 @ 17)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #22 0x562f2f7f5da8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/gdm/authPrompt.js:501 (0x7fccb3a81120 @ 61)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #23 0x7ffd1f4dd480 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #24 0x562f2f7f5d20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/unlockDialog.js:147 (0x7fccb3a8e5e8 @ 25)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #25 0x7ffd1f4de060 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #26 0x562f2f7f5ca0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1198 (0x7fccb3a53808 @ 46)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #27 0x7ffd1f4dec40 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #28 0x562f2f7f5c20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:540 (0x7fccb3a4fef0 @ 13)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #29 0x7ffd1f4dff50 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #30 0x562f2f7f5b80 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/overrides/Gio.js:117 (0x7fccc81e0ab0 @ 39)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: == Stack trace for context 0x562f2f44f4d0 ==
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #0 0x562f2f7f6230 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/widget.js:150 (0x7fcc77063230 @ 269)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #1 0x7ffd1f4d76e0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #2 0x7ffd1f4d7730 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:18 (0x7fccc81b5a28 @ 36)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #3 0x7ffd1f4d77f0 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:114 (0x7fccc81b5f78 @ 178)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #4 0x562f2f7f6188 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/mixer.js:57 (0x7fcc7705d230 @ 415)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #5 0x7ffd1f4d8450 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #6 0x7ffd1f4d8490 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:18 (0x7fccc81b5a28 @ 36)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: Object St.Icon (0x562f34bec290), has been already deallocated - impossible to access it. This might be caused by the object having been destroyed from C code using something such as destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #7 0x7ffd1f4d8540 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:114 (0x7fccc81b5f78 @ 178)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #8 0x562f2f7f60e8 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/extension.js:36 (0x7fcc77052b38 @ 26)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #9 0x7ffd1f4d9280 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:135 (0x7fccb3e59340 @ 509)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #10 0x7ffd1f4d9320 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:342 (0x7fccb3e59c48 @ 13)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #11 0x7ffd1f4d9410 b   self-hosted:251 (0x7fccc81c4ab0 @ 223)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #12 0x562f2f7f6068 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:341 (0x7fccb3e59bc0 @ 76)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #13 0x562f2f7f5fe8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:369 (0x7fccb3e59de0 @ 67)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #14 0x7ffd1f4da910 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #15 0x7ffd1f4da9d0 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:205 (0x7fccb3a704d8 @ 254)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #16 0x7ffd1f4daa30 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #17 0x562f2f7f5f58 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:174 (0x7fccb3a70340 @ 100)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #18 0x7ffd1f4db610 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #19 0x562f2f7f5eb0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1212 (0x7fccb3a53918 @ 159)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #20 0x7ffd1f4dc1f0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #21 0x562f2f7f5e30 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1198 (0x7fccb3a53890 @ 17)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #22 0x562f2f7f5da8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/gdm/authPrompt.js:501 (0x7fccb3a81120 @ 61)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #23 0x7ffd1f4dd480 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #24 0x562f2f7f5d20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/unlockDialog.js:147 (0x7fccb3a8e5e8 @ 25)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #25 0x7ffd1f4de060 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #26 0x562f2f7f5ca0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1198 (0x7fccb3a53808 @ 46)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #27 0x7ffd1f4dec40 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: clutter_actor_destroy: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self)' failed
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #28 0x562f2f7f5c20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:540 (0x7fccb3a4fef0 @ 13)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #29 0x7ffd1f4dff50 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #30 0x562f2f7f5b80 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/overrides/Gio.js:117 (0x7fccc81e0ab0 @ 39)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: == Stack trace for context 0x562f2f44f4d0 ==
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #0 0x562f2f7f6230 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/widget.js:152 (0x7fcc77063230 @ 313)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #1 0x7ffd1f4d76e0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #2 0x7ffd1f4d7730 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:18 (0x7fccc81b5a28 @ 36)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #3 0x7ffd1f4d77f0 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:114 (0x7fccc81b5f78 @ 178)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #4 0x562f2f7f6188 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/mixer.js:57 (0x7fcc7705d230 @ 415)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #5 0x7ffd1f4d8450 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #6 0x7ffd1f4d8490 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:18 (0x7fccc81b5a28 @ 36)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #7 0x7ffd1f4d8540 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:114 (0x7fccc81b5f78 @ 178)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #8 0x562f2f7f60e8 i   /home/jdelon/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/extension.js:36 (0x7fcc77052b38 @ 26)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #9 0x7ffd1f4d9280 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:135 (0x7fccb3e59340 @ 509)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #10 0x7ffd1f4d9320 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:342 (0x7fccb3e59c48 @ 13)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #11 0x7ffd1f4d9410 b   self-hosted:251 (0x7fccc81c4ab0 @ 223)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #12 0x562f2f7f6068 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:341 (0x7fccb3e59bc0 @ 76)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #13 0x562f2f7f5fe8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:369 (0x7fccb3e59de0 @ 67)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #14 0x7ffd1f4da910 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #15 0x7ffd1f4da9d0 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:205 (0x7fccb3a704d8 @ 254)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: Object St.Label (0x562f32a8ceb0), has been already deallocated - impossible to access it. This might be caused by the object having been destroyed from C code using something such as destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #16 0x7ffd1f4daa30 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #17 0x562f2f7f5f58 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/sessionMode.js:174 (0x7fccb3a70340 @ 100)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #18 0x7ffd1f4db610 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #19 0x562f2f7f5eb0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1212 (0x7fccb3a53918 @ 159)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #20 0x7ffd1f4dc1f0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #21 0x562f2f7f5e30 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1198 (0x7fccb3a53890 @ 17)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #22 0x562f2f7f5da8 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/gdm/authPrompt.js:501 (0x7fccb3a81120 @ 61)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #23 0x7ffd1f4dd480 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #24 0x562f2f7f5d20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/unlockDialog.js:147 (0x7fccb3a8e5e8 @ 25)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #25 0x7ffd1f4de060 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #26 0x562f2f7f5ca0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:1198 (0x7fccb3a53808 @ 46)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #27 0x7ffd1f4dec40 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7fccc81b5de0 @ 71)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #28 0x562f2f7f5c20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/screenShield.js:540 (0x7fccb3a4fef0 @ 13)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #29 0x7ffd1f4dff50 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7fccc81d2230 @ 386)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: #30 0x562f2f7f5b80 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/overrides/Gio.js:117 (0x7fccc81e0ab0 @ 39)
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: clutter_actor_destroy: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (self)' failed
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: AppOutputStreamSlider
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: AppOutputStreamSlider
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: AppOutputStreamSlider
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: AppOutputStreamSlider
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [mtt] enable
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [window-listener] loading initial state
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [window-listener] initial state: [{"pid":4148,"idInDec":"39845893","hidden":true},{"pid":10646,"idInDec":"46137413","hidden":true},{"pid":4146,"idInDec":"41943066","hidden":true}]
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [minimize-to-tray] [window-listener] added new window: KeePassXC:4148:db.kdbx - KeePassXC:39845893:0x02600005:true
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: Extension "[email protected]" had error: Error: Extension point conflict: there is already a status indicator for role 39845893:4148:KeePassXC
août 28 09:52:20 myhostname gnome-shell[3593]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.81/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/livepatch
août 28 09:52:21 myhostname org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3593]: Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 69 with keysym 69 (keycode 1f).

JayBeeDe avatar Aug 28 '20 07:08 JayBeeDe