Olivier Tilloy

Results 29 comments of Olivier Tilloy

> Hey @oSoMoN, does `snap restart multipass`, or rebooting, help? Do you have a proxy set up? `snap restart multipass` didn't help. I couldn't test rebooting as I have long-running...

> Maybe the geckodriver generated(?) profile in /tmp/ (see trace above) is not accessible via the snap packaged firefox binary(?) That is most likely the problem, indeed. Firefox packaged as...

According to [the documentation](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/testing/geckodriver/Profiles.html#default-locations-for-temporary-profiles), setting `TMPDIR` to some location the snap can access (e.g. `$HOME/snap/firefox/common/tmp`) might help.

So if I understand correctly how things work, geckodriver picks a temporary directory, and launches firefox with that directory passed as a command-line parameter to use for profiles. How about...

Yes, I agree that would be best. I had a go at packaging geckodriver with the firefox snap a while ago, but because geckodriver tries to execute the firefox binary...

I had a go again at [packaging geckodriver in the firefox snap](https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/+git/firefox-snap/+ref/geckodriver). After installation, this requires setting up a manual alias: `snap alias firefox.geckodriver geckodriver` ([per documentation](https://snapcraft.io/docs/commands-and-aliases) this can be...

And I got it to work by changing the value of `options.binary_location` to `/snap/firefox/current/firefox.launcher`. Snapd refuses to execute an arbitrary executable in `/snap/bin/` (even though that executable is part of...

> One option here would be to patch geckodriver when built as part of the snap, to rewrite the binary location. Does that sound acceptable? I successfully tested this, rebuilding...

I rewrote my patch to override the binary path only when running under snap confinement, thus making it hopefully suitable for merging, and I submitted it at https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D146303.

> Any update on when geckodriver 0.32 will be released? I have to defer upgrading Ubuntu in our testing lab until geckodriver is compatible with snap. Please note that the...