o3de-atom-sampleviewer copied to clipboard
[Linux] AtomSampleViewerStandalone cannot be built
Describe the bug The "AtomSampleViewerStandalone" executableis not built using the PM or terminal commands. The "AtomSampleViewerStandalone", "AtomSampleViewer.Standalone" or "ALL_BUILD" are not recognized as a target when building via the terminal. Only the GameLauncher can be built as an alternative.
Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Clone the project using the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/o3de/o3de-atom-sampleviewer.git AtomSampleViewer
git pull Stabilization/2205
- Navigate to the project location and execute the following commands:
cmake -B build/linux -S . -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH=$HOME/o3de-packages
cmake --build build/linux --target Editor <targets mentioned in the description> --config profile -j 8
- Launch the Project Manager and rebuild the AtomSampleViewer project.
- Navigate to "build/linux/bin/profile" location and verify the absence of the "AtomSampleViewerStandalone" executable.
Expected behavior The "AtomSampleViewerStandalone" executable can be built.
Actual behavior There is no way to build the "AtomSampleViewerStandalone" executable on Linux.
Found in Branch Stabilization/2205 (https://github.com/o3de/o3de/commit/3e47df2e0fea9f57d207e6c739938bd1c4019c98)
- Device: PC
- OS: Ubuntu
- Version 20.04
- CPU Intel Core i5-9600k
- GPU Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060
- Memory 16GB
@LB-BartoszDudzinski This is an old bug. Are you able to check if this is still applicable.
Hi @moudgils. The issue still occurs. We are waiting for #PR 616 to be merged so we can verify the fix.