proof-systems copied to clipboard
ProofEvaluations is too generic
pub struct ProofEvaluations<Field> {
/// witness polynomials
pub w: [Field; COLUMNS],
/// permutation polynomial
pub z: Field,
/// permutation polynomials
/// (PERMUTS-1 evaluations because the last permutation is only used in commitment form)
pub s: [Field; PERMUTS - 1],
/// lookup-related evaluations
pub lookup: Option<LookupEvaluations<Field>>,
/// evaluation of the generic selector polynomial
pub generic_selector: Field,
/// evaluation of the poseidon selector polynomial
pub poseidon_selector: Field,
should be
pub struct ProofEvaluations<Field> {
/// witness polynomials
pub w: [Vec<Field>; COLUMNS],
/// permutation polynomial
pub z: Vec<Field>,
/// permutation polynomials
/// (PERMUTS-1 evaluations because the last permutation is only used in commitment form)
pub s: [Vec<Field>; PERMUTS - 1],
/// lookup-related evaluations
pub lookup: Option<LookupEvaluations<Vec<Field>>>,
/// evaluation of the generic selector polynomial
pub generic_selector: Vec<Field>,
/// evaluation of the poseidon selector polynomial
pub poseidon_selector: Vec<Field>,
it'd be nice if we actually abstracted chunked evaluations, chunked polynomials, chunked commitments, etc.
Stale issue message
we might not be able to tackle this one without first
Stale issue message
I think we might be able to just write this struct as:
pub struct ProofEvaluations<F> where F: FftField {
/// witness polynomials
pub w: [F; COLUMNS],
/// permutation polynomial
pub z: F,
/// permutation polynomials
/// (PERMUTS-1 evaluations because the last permutation is only used in commitment form)
pub s: [F; PERMUTS - 1],
/// lookup-related evaluations
pub lookup: Option<LookupEvaluations<F>>,
/// evaluation of the generic selector polynomial
pub generic_selector: F,
/// evaluation of the poseidon selector polynomial
pub poseidon_selector: F,
as none of these evaluations are chunked (unless I'm misunderstanding something)
Let's try something like:
pub struct ChunkedEvaluations<F> (ProofEvaluations<Vec<F>>);
instead of duplicating manually all chunked types, and still keep ProofEvaluations
generic enough
I tried removing the Vec<F> and just making them single elements:
tests don't pass due to how the PCS is written, specifically when something evaluates to zero it expects you to pass an empty vec:
for (evals_tr, shifted) in polys.iter().filter(|(evals_tr, _)| !evals_tr[0].is_empty()) {
Closing in sight of issue #680
if you don't mind let's reopen it until I test this on the mina side, as I predict that it might be a bit painful
Stale issue message
Stale issue message
truer today than ever :D I think we will need to look into simplifying that part at some point. The problem now is all the generics:
pub struct PointEvaluations<Evals> {
/// Evaluation at the challenge point zeta.
pub zeta: Evals,
/// Evaluation at `zeta . omega`, the product of the challenge point and the group generator.
pub zeta_omega: Evals,
pub struct ProofEvaluations<Evals> {
/// witness polynomials
pub w: [Evals; COLUMNS],
/// permutation polynomial
pub z: Evals,
/// permutation polynomials
/// (PERMUTS-1 evaluations because the last permutation is only used in commitment form)
pub s: [Evals; PERMUTS - 1],
/// coefficient polynomials
pub coefficients: [Evals; COLUMNS],
/// lookup-related evaluations
pub lookup: Option<LookupEvaluations<Evals>>,
/// evaluation of the generic selector polynomial
pub generic_selector: Evals,
/// evaluation of the poseidon selector polynomial
pub poseidon_selector: Evals,
which we instantiate like that:
pub evals: ProofEvaluations<PointEvaluations<Vec<G::ScalarField>>>,
Stale issue message
Stale issue message