PocketCHIP-pocket-home icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PocketCHIP-pocket-home copied to clipboard

PocketCHIP home screen: shows status, opens programs, changes settings

PocketCHIP Launcher (Marshmallow Edition)

How to install

From repository

1. Add https support to apt

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

2. Add a source to sources.list

echo "deb https://o-marshmallow.github.io/PocketCHIP-pocket-home/archive/ jessie main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/marshmallow-pocket-chip-home.list

3. Add public key to apt

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu:80 --recv-keys 584F7F9F

4. Fix pocket-home package (which is pinned by NTC)

echo -e "Package: pocket-home\nPin: version *\nPin-Priority: 1050" | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/unpin-pocket-home.pref

5. Update the list of available packages

sudo apt-get update

6. Upgrade pocket-home

sudo apt-get install pocket-home

Note: The previous commands need to be typed once, then, upgrading is easy and is done by typing sudo apt-get update

Building from sources

1. Required Packages

 sudo apt-get install \
 git \
 build-essential \
 libasound2-dev \
 libx11-dev \
 libxrandr-dev \
 libxcursor-dev \
 libxft-dev \
 libxinerama-dev \
 libnm-glib-dev \
 network-manager-dev \
 libi2c-dev \
 libssl-dev \

2. Cloning and building

  git clone --recursive https://github.com/o-marshmallow/PocketCHIP-pocket-home/
  make devinstall
  sudo systemctl restart lightdm

3. Updating

  git pull
  git submodule update
  make devinstall
  sudo systemctl restart lightdm


Big thanks to Celti who made this repo updated to new JUCE version and easier to compile and @sgentle who made the install by apt repository !