**Description** In the v6 of ngx-formly. The rendering DOM has a redundant `formly-group` tag. Check the following example. ```js fields: FormlyFieldConfig[] = [ { key: 'Input', type: 'input', props: {...
There already have many basic examples, e.g. menu, authentication, permissions, forms, tables etc. I want to know what other examples you'd like.
## Setting the locale code It also needs `MAT_DATE_LOCALE` injection token to customize the locale code. Please check the Material docs: https://material.angular.io/components/datepicker/overview#setting-the-locale-code ## Choosing a date implementation and date format...
##### **Overview of the issue** https://compodoc.github.io/compodoc-demo-todomvc-angular/index.html **tablet (width ##### **Angular configuration, a `package.json` file in the root folder** ##### **Compodoc installed globally or locally ?** ##### **If possible sourcecode of...