craft-imageoptimize copied to clipboard
[Craft 4.0]: .srcsetWidth(size) does not return a variant of said size
Describe the bug
This works:
{{ optimizedImages.srcsetMinWidth(970) }}
Returns all variants of size over and including 970.
{{ optimizedImages.srcsetMaxWidth(970) }}
Returns all variants of size under and including 970.
This does not :
{{ optimizedImages.srcsetWidth(970) }}
Returns nothing (should return variant of size 970).
- Plugin version: latest dev
- Craft version: latest dev (4.x)
I'm experiencing the same issue.
Image fields that used to output srcset (in Craft 3) with optimizedImages.srcsetWidthWebp(2000, true)
now output an empty string ''
Here's the field value dumped from various ImageOptimize methods:
(Craft asset)
craft\elements\Asset#1 ( [folderId] => 8 [uploaderId] => 1 [folderPath] => null [kind] => 'image' [alt] => null [size] => 5823332 [keptFile] => null [dateModified] => DateTime#2 ( [date] => '2022-03-28 11:26:29.000000' [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => 'America/Los_Angeles' ) [newLocation] => null [locationError] => null [newFilename] => null [newFolderId] => null [tempFilePath] => null [avoidFilenameConflicts] => false [suggestedFilename] => null [conflictingFilename] => null [deletedWithVolume] => false [keepFileOnDelete] => false [craft\elements\Asset:_volumeId] => 6 [craft\elements\Asset:_filename] => 'DJI_0270-cropped.jpg' [craft\elements\Asset:_width] => 3200 [craft\elements\Asset:_height] => 2095 [craft\elements\Asset:_focalPoint] => [ 'x' => 0.5018 'y' => 0.768 ] [craft\elements\Asset:_transform] => null [craft\elements\Asset:_volume] => craft\models\Volume#3 ( [id] => 6 [name] => 'Hero' [handle] => 'hero' [titleTranslationMethod] => 'none' [titleTranslationKeyFormat] => null [sortOrder] => 6 [fieldLayoutId] => 40 [uid] => '80bfa1ff-9264-439f-86ba-497f4c5c46aa' [transformSubpath] => '' [craft\models\Volume:_fs] => vaersaagod\dospaces\Fs#4 ( [*:isVolumeLocal] => false [subfolder] => 'hero' [keyId] => '$DO_SPACES_ACCESS_KEY_ID' [secret] => '$DO_SPACES_SECRET_KEY' [endpoint] => '$DO_SPACES_ENDPOINT' [bucket] => '$DO_SPACES_BUCKET' [region] => '$DO_SPACES_REGION' [expires] => '1 years' [contentDisposition] => '' [*:foldersHaveTrailingSlashes] => true [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null [yii\base\Model:_validators] => null [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default' [yii\base\Component:_events] => [ 'beforeValidate' => [ 0 => [ 0 => [ 0 => craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior#5 ( [owner] => vaersaagod\dospaces\Fs#4(...) [attributes] => [ 0 => 'subfolder' 1 => 'keyId' 2 => 'secret' 3 => 'endpoint' 4 => 'bucket' 5 => 'region' ] [yii\base\Behavior:_attachedEvents] => [ 'beforeValidate' => 'beforeValidate' 'afterValidate' => 'afterValidate' ] ) 1 => 'beforeValidate' ] 1 => null ] ] 'afterValidate' => [ 0 => [ 0 => [ 0 => craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior#5(...) 1 => 'afterValidate' ] 1 => null ] ] ] [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => [] [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => [ 'parser' => craft\behaviors\EnvAttributeParserBehavior#5(...) ] [id] => null [dateCreated] => null [dateUpdated] => null [name] => 'Hero' [handle] => 'hero' [oldHandle] => null [hasUrls] => true [url] => '$DO_SPACES_PUBLIC_URL' [uid] => null ) [craft\models\Volume:_fsHandle] => 'hero' [craft\models\Volume:_transformFs] => null [craft\models\Volume:_transformFsHandle] => 'hero' [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null [yii\base\Model:_validators] => null [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default' [yii\base\Component:_events] => [] [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => [] [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => [ 'fieldLayout' => craft\behaviors\FieldLayoutBehavior#6 ( [elementType] => 'craft\\elements\\Asset' [idAttribute] => 'fieldLayoutId' [craft\behaviors\FieldLayoutBehavior:_fieldLayoutId] => null [craft\behaviors\FieldLayoutBehavior:_fieldLayout] => null [owner] => craft\models\Volume#3(...) [yii\base\Behavior:_attachedEvents] => [] ) ] ) [craft\elements\Asset:_uploader] => null [craft\elements\Asset:_oldVolumeId] => 6 [*:revisionCreatorId] => null [*:revisionNotes] => null [craft\base\Element:_canonicalId] => null [craft\base\Element:_canonical] => null [craft\base\Element:_canonicalAnySite] => null [craft\base\Element:_canonicalUid] => null [craft\base\Element:_outdatedAttributes] => null [craft\base\Element:_modifiedAttributes] => null [craft\base\Element:_outdatedFields] => null [craft\base\Element:_modifiedFields] => null [craft\base\Element:_initialized] => true [craft\base\Element:_fieldsByHandle] => [ 'canonicalId' => null 'isDraft' => null 'isRevision' => null 'isUnpublishedDraft' => null 'ref' => null 'status' => null 'url' => null 'extension' => null 'filename' => null 'focalPoint' => null 'hasFocalPoint' => null 'height' => null 'mimeType' => null 'path' => null 'volumeId' => null 'width' => null 'ioHero' => nystudio107\imageoptimize\fields\OptimizedImages#7 ( [fieldVolumeSettings] => [ 'hero' => '*' 'stories' => '*' ] [ignoreFilesOfType] => [] [displayOptimizedImageVariants] => true [displayDominantColorPalette] => true [displayLazyLoadPlaceholderImages] => true [variants] => [ 0 => [ 'width' => '2000' 'useAspectRatio' => '1' 'aspectRatioX' => '16' 'aspectRatioY' => '9' 'retinaSizes' => [ 0 => '1' 1 => '2' ] 'quality' => '82' 'format' => 'jpg' ] 1 => [ 'width' => '1536' 'useAspectRatio' => '1' 'aspectRatioX' => '16' 'aspectRatioY' => '9' 'retinaSizes' => [ 0 => '1' 1 => '2' ] 'quality' => '82' 'format' => 'jpg' ] 2 => [ 'width' => '1279' 'useAspectRatio' => '1' 'aspectRatioX' => '16' 'aspectRatioY' => '9' 'retinaSizes' => [ 0 => '1' 1 => '2' ] 'quality' => '82' 'format' => 'jpg' ] 3 => [ 'width' => '1023' 'useAspectRatio' => '1' 'aspectRatioX' => '8' 'aspectRatioY' => '5' 'retinaSizes' => [ 0 => '1' 1 => '2' ] 'quality' => '82' 'format' => 'jpg' ] 4 => [ 'width' => '767' 'useAspectRatio' => '1' 'aspectRatioX' => '5' 'aspectRatioY' => '4' 'retinaSizes' => [ 0 => '1' 1 => '2' ] 'quality' => '60' 'format' => 'jpg' ] 5 => [ 'width' => '639' 'useAspectRatio' => '1' 'aspectRatioX' => '5' 'aspectRatioY' => '8' 'retinaSizes' => [ 0 => '1' 1 => '2' ] 'quality' => '60' 'format' => 'jpg' ] ] [nystudio107\imageoptimize\fields\OptimizedImages:aspectRatios] => [ 0 => [ 'x' => 16 'y' => 9 ] 1 => [ 'x' => 8 'y' => 5 ] 2 => [ 'x' => 4 'y' => 3 ] 3 => [ 'x' => 5 'y' => 4 ] 4 => [ 'x' => 1 'y' => 1 ] 5 => [ 'x' => 9 'y' => 16 ] 6 => [ 'x' => 5 'y' => 8 ] 7 => [ 'x' => 3 'y' => 4 ] 8 => [ 'x' => 4 'y' => 5 ] ] [craft\base\Field:_isFresh] => null [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null [yii\base\Model:_validators] => null [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default' [yii\base\Component:_events] => [] [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => [] [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => [] [id] => '88' [dateCreated] => DateTime#8 ( [date] => '2021-08-04 15:11:26.000000' [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => 'America/Los_Angeles' ) [dateUpdated] => DateTime#9 ( [date] => '2021-09-10 22:48:04.000000' [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => 'America/Los_Angeles' ) [groupId] => 3 [name] => 'IO Hero' [handle] => 'ioHero' [context] => 'global' [instructions] => null [searchable] => false [describedBy] => null [translationMethod] => 'none' [translationKeyFormat] => null [oldHandle] => null [oldSettings] => null [columnPrefix] => null [columnSuffix] => 'vaketuxg' [uid] => 'ffe5389b-485f-4142-9697-a54ad6b0ae70' [layoutId] => null [tabId] => null [required] => false [sortOrder] => null ) ] [craft\base\Element:_fieldParamNamePrefix] => null [craft\base\Element:_normalizedFieldValues] => [ 'ioHero' => true ] [craft\base\Element:_allDirty] => false [craft\base\Element:_dirtyAttributes] => [] [craft\base\Element:_savedTitle] => 'DJI 0270 cropped' [craft\base\Element:_dirtyFields] => [] [craft\base\Element:_nextElement] => false [craft\base\Element:_prevElement] => false [craft\base\Element:_parentId] => null [craft\base\Element:_parent] => null [craft\base\Element:_hasNewParent] => null [craft\base\Element:_prevSibling] => null [craft\base\Element:_nextSibling] => null [craft\base\Element:_eagerLoadedElements] => [] [craft\base\Element:_eagerLoadedElementCounts] => [] [craft\base\Element:_currentRevision] => null [craft\base\Element:_enabledForSite] => true [craft\base\Element:_uiLabel] => null [craft\base\Element:_isFresh] => null [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null [yii\base\Model:_validators] => null [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default' [yii\base\Component:_events] => [] [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => [] [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => [ 'customFields' => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior#10 ( [hasMethods] => false [canSetProperties] => false [homeIntro] => null [body] => null [image] => null [contact] => null [ioIntro] => null [ioHomeHero] => null [homeHero] => null [heroHeadline] => null [overline] => null [line] => null [brightness] => '75' [ioUniSection] => null [uniSection] => null [sectionTitle] => null [headline] => null [button] => null [emailAddress] => null [form] => null [fade] => null [ctaNewsletter] => null [ctaMember] => null [homeAbout] => null [homeStories] => null [galleryBlocks] => null [landscape] => null [portraitOne] => null [portraitTwo] => null [ioGalleryPortrait] => null [ioGalleryLandscape] => null [hero] => null [images] => null [intro] => null [sectionHeadline] => null [ioHero] => nystudio107\imageoptimize\models\OptimizedImage#11 ( [optimizedImageUrls] => [ 2000 => '' 4000 => '' 1536 => '' 3072 => '' 1279 => '' 2558 => '' 1023 => '' 2046 => '' 767 => '' 1534 => '' 639 => '' 1278 => '' ] [optimizedWebPImageUrls] => [ 2000 => '' 4000 => '' 1536 => '' 3072 => '' 1279 => '' 2558 => '' 1023 => '' 2046 => '' 767 => '' 1534 => '' 639 => '' 1278 => '' ] [variantSourceWidths] => [ 0 => '2000' 1 => '2000' 2 => '1536' 3 => '1536' 4 => '1279' 5 => '1279' 6 => '1023' 7 => '1023' 8 => '767' 9 => '767' 10 => '639' 11 => '639' ] [variantHeights] => [ 2000 => 1125 4000 => 2250 1536 => 864 3072 => 1728 1279 => 719 2558 => 1438 1023 => 639 2046 => 1278 767 => 613 1534 => 1227 639 => 1022 1278 => 2044 ] [focalPoint] => [ 'x' => 0.5018 'y' => 0.768 ] [originalImageWidth] => 3200 [originalImageHeight] => 2095 [placeholder] => '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAlgCWAAD/2wBDABALDA4MChAODQ4SERATGCgaGBYWGDEjJR0oOjM9PDkzODdASFxOQERXRTc4UG1RV19iZ2hnPk1xeXBkeFxlZ2P/2wBDARESEhgVGC8aGi9jQjhCY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2P/wAARCAAJABADAREAAhEBAxEB/8QAFwAAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBf/EACAQAAAGAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRIQQFFTEzYXL/xAAZAQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBAX/xAAaEQADAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDMUFR/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwBuq3BN36HOmqWmaW5fA1Zi5FNpnsMs9rojmfDIwfIYDDJS9ukVsjP/2Q==' [placeholderSvg] => '' [colorPalette] => [ 0 => '#857525' 1 => '#a8b7b9' 2 => '#d9a35f' 3 => '#3b2f07' 4 => '#593a08' ] [lightness] => 44 [placeholderWidth] => 2000 [placeholderHeight] => 1125 [stickyErrors] => [] [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null [yii\base\Model:_validators] => null [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default' [yii\base\Component:_events] => [] [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => [] [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => [] ) [vineyards] => null [teamIntro] => null [teamMembers] => null [cards] => null [blurb] => null [ioTeamMembers] => null [allocationCalendar] => null [allocationsCards] => null [allocationsIntro] => null [bottleShot] => null [customizeClub] => null [customizeClubHeadline] => null [customizeClubPhoto] => null [customizeClubPricingGrid] => null [ioBottleShots] => null [ioComposerFullWidth] => null [ioVintageStory] => null [wineInformation] => null [april] => null [june] => null [january] => null [may] => null [february] => null [july] => null [october] => null [september] => null [december] => null [march] => null [november] => null [august] => null [clubTypes] => null [selection] => null [buttons] => null [clubType] => null [wines] => null [clubLabel] => null [left] => null [buttonLabel] => null [buttonValue] => null [selectionValue] => null [selectionName] => null [benefits] => null [drinkability] => null [labeledAppellation] => null [alcohol] => null [tastingNotes] => null [varietalComposition] => null [tradeMaterials] => null [vinification] => null [casesProduced] => null [asset] => null [awardsAccolades] => null [quoteBlocks] => null [quoteAuthor] => null [quoteBody] => null [backgroundImage] => null [faqs] => null [question] => null [answer] => null [finePrint] => null [relatedWines] => null [vintageStory] => null [storyBlocks] => null [blockBody] => null [blockImage] => null [pairingRecommendation] => null [location] => null [hours] => null [latlng] => null [postalCode] => null [state] => null [street] => null [city] => null [email] => null [telephone] => null [reservations] => null [scriptSrc] => null [notes] => null [purchase] => null [pricePerBottle] => null [available] => null [unavailableWineInfo] => null [message] => null [composer] => null [caption] => null [quote] => null [attribution] => null [ioStoriesFeatured] => null [ioStoriesThumb] => null [featuredEvent] => null [featuredPost] => null [articleCount] => null [brandMaterialsGroups] => null [distributorGroups] => null [ioTradeMediaThumb] => null [photoGroups] => null [regionDistributorsTable] => null [regionTitle] => null [assetDownloads] => null [groupTitle] => null [vintages] => null [wineName] => null [photos] => null [distributor] => null [websiteLink] => null [phone] => null [techSheet] => null [vintageYear] => null [shelfTalker] => null [frontBackLabel] => null [storyThumbnail] => null [storyHero] => null [excerpt] => null [ioComposerImage] => null [ioComposerGalleryThumbnail] => null [ioComposerGalleryUp] => null [donationForm] => null [firstName] => null [lastName] => null [organizationNameAuction] => null [organizationAddress] => null [dateOfEvent] => null [eventBeneficiary] => null [eventLetter] => null [irsLetterFor501cStatus] => null [procurementFormIfAvailable] => null [areYouAWineClubMember] => null [organizationType1] => null [altText] => 'Red Mountain Vineyard' [customizeClubPricingNotes] => null [year] => null [label] => null [ioSimpleSection] => null [specialNotice] => null [homeMembership] => null [right] => null [dates] => null [endDate] => null [startDate] => null [textButton] => null [date] => null [logo] => null [articleUrl] => null [sideNav] => null [navLink] => null [linkTo] => null [mailingListHero] => null [heading] => null [subheading] => null [craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior:_customFieldValues] => [] [owner] => craft\elements\Asset#1(...) [yii\base\Behavior:_attachedEvents] => [] ) ] [id] => 56728 [tempId] => null [draftId] => null [revisionId] => null [isProvisionalDraft] => false [uid] => 'a034c1a2-d231-49bc-8fbd-c549283d5977' [siteSettingsId] => 59135 [fieldLayoutId] => 40 [structureId] => null [contentId] => 4929 [enabled] => true [archived] => false [siteId] => 1 [title] => 'DJI 0270 cropped' [slug] => null [uri] => null [dateCreated] => DateTime#12 ( [date] => '2022-03-28 11:26:28.000000' [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => 'America/Los_Angeles' ) [dateUpdated] => DateTime#13 ( [date] => '2022-05-08 19:39:16.000000' [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => 'America/Los_Angeles' ) [dateLastMerged] => null [dateDeleted] => null [root] => null [lft] => null [rgt] => null [level] => null [searchScore] => null [trashed] => false [awaitingFieldValues] => false [propagating] => false [propagateAll] => false [newSiteIds] => [] [isNewForSite] => false [resaving] => false [duplicateOf] => null [firstSave] => false [mergingCanonicalChanges] => false [updatingFromDerivative] => false [previewing] => false [hardDelete] => false )
(ImageOptimize values)
nystudio107\imageoptimize\models\OptimizedImage#1 ( [optimizedImageUrls] => [ 2000 => '' 4000 => '' 1536 => '' 3072 => '' 1279 => '' 2558 => '' 1023 => '' 2046 => '' 767 => '' 1534 => '' 639 => '' 1278 => '' ] [optimizedWebPImageUrls] => [ 2000 => '' 4000 => '' 1536 => '' 3072 => '' 1279 => '' 2558 => '' 1023 => '' 2046 => '' 767 => '' 1534 => '' 639 => '' 1278 => '' ] [variantSourceWidths] => [ 0 => '2000' 1 => '2000' 2 => '1536' 3 => '1536' 4 => '1279' 5 => '1279' 6 => '1023' 7 => '1023' 8 => '767' 9 => '767' 10 => '639' 11 => '639' ] [variantHeights] => [ 2000 => 1125 4000 => 2250 1536 => 864 3072 => 1728 1279 => 719 2558 => 1438 1023 => 639 2046 => 1278 767 => 613 1534 => 1227 639 => 1022 1278 => 2044 ] [focalPoint] => [ 'x' => 0.5018 'y' => 0.768 ] [originalImageWidth] => 3200 [originalImageHeight] => 2095 [placeholder] => '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAlgCWAAD/2wBDABALDA4MChAODQ4SERATGCgaGBYWGDEjJR0oOjM9PDkzODdASFxOQERXRTc4UG1RV19iZ2hnPk1xeXBkeFxlZ2P/2wBDARESEhgVGC8aGi9jQjhCY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2NjY2P/wAARCAAJABADAREAAhEBAxEB/8QAFwAAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBf/EACAQAAAGAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRIQQFFTEzYXL/xAAZAQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBAX/xAAaEQADAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDMUFR/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwBuq3BN36HOmqWmaW5fA1Zi5FNpnsMs9rojmfDIwfIYDDJS9ukVsjP/2Q==' [placeholderSvg] => '' [colorPalette] => [ 0 => '#857525' 1 => '#a8b7b9' 2 => '#d9a35f' 3 => '#3b2f07' 4 => '#593a08' ] [lightness] => 44 [placeholderWidth] => 2000 [placeholderHeight] => 1125 [stickyErrors] => [] [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null [yii\base\Model:_validators] => null [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default' [yii\base\Component:_events] => [] [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => [] [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null )
' 2000w, 4000w, 1536w, 3072w, 1279w, 2558w, 1023w, 2046w, 767w, 1534w, 639w, 1278w'
' 2000w, 4000w, 1536w, 3072w, 1279w, 2558w'
'', true)
Let me know if you need any more info!
Craft v4.0.1 ImageOptimize v4.0.0-beta.3
Addressed in:
You can try it now by setting your semver in your composer.json
to look like this:
"nystudio107/craft-imageoptimize": "dev-develop-v4 as 4.0.3”,
Then do a composer clear-cache && composer update