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Tado: Connection issue
Obviously, something changed in the Tado world. The nymea integration plugin can't connect any more. W | Tado: Request error: 301 “Unknown error” W | ThingManager: ConfirmPairing failed for “Tado account” QUuid("{6______-4442-872e-42abbd8bff81}")
If someone has a look at the plugin, pls also consider other github issues related to Tado. Thank u!
Had another look.
I | Tado: Start pairing process, checking the internet connection ... I | Tado: Internet connection available I | Tado: Confirm pairing "[email protected]" Network manager available true I | Tado: Sending request QUrl("https://my.tado.com/webapp/env.js") W | Tado: Request error: 301 "Unknown error" W | ThingManager: ConfirmPairing failed for "Tado account" QUuid("{69be7d15-5658-4442-872e-42abbd8bff81}")
A browser request of https://my.tado.com/webapp/env.js returns something like
var TD = {
config: {
version: 'v931',
environment: 'production',
debugEnabled: false,
logEndpoint: 'https://ovihbsxusa.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/log/event',
baseUrl: 'https://my.tado.com',
tgaEndpoint: 'https://my.tado.com',
tgaRestApiEndpoint: 'https://my.tado.com/api/v1',
tgaRestApiV2Endpoint: 'https://my.tado.com/api/v2',
susiApiEndpoint: 'https://susi.tado.com/api',
homeBackendBaseUrl: 'https://my.tado.com/home/show',
hvacApiEndpoint: 'https://hvactool.tado.com',
hvacIncludeInstallFlowsUnderDevelopment: false,
genieRestApiV2Endpoint: 'https://genie.tado.com/api/v2',
ivarRestApiEndpoint: 'https://ivar.tado.com',
minderRestApiEndpoint: 'https://minder.tado.com/v1',
gaTrackingId: 'UA-36131363-7',
oauth: {
clientApiEndpoint: 'https://my.tado.com/oauth/clients',
apiEndpoint: 'https://auth.tado.com/oauth',
clientId: 'tado-web-app',
clientSecret: 'wZaRN7rpjn3FoNyF5IFuxg9uMzYJcvOoQ8QWiIqS3hfk6gLhVlG57j5YNoZL2Rtc'