Tyson Warner
Tyson Warner
Some background on this. We use a library: https://github.com/npm/hosted-git-info, to get metadata about the git url passed in via the `template` option before cloning it. You can see that here:https://github.com/Availity/availity-workflow/blob/2e57fc9edcc27b59c85576b1bddd5fbb3373efb5/packages/workflow/scripts/clone-starter.js#L59-L65...
Related: https://github.com/npm/hosted-git-info/issues/39
Is there any update on implementing this feature? The feature request you linked: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/15699 is closed. Does that mean it's ready to implement in `ssh2-streams` ?
There does not appear to be a clean way to do this atm. Will continue to monitor `formik` issues. I did find this: https://github.com/jaredpalmer/formik/issues/1728
I believe this will require an update to the UI kit in order for the styling to take effect on the progress element.
Allowing a value prop to be passed down enables a bad pattern IMO. I think we want to encourage managing the state of the form with `formik` hooks as opposed...