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Publish Home Assistant auto-discovery sensors
First of all I just want to say thank you for this project. I've got it working with my Growatt inverter and learned so much in the process.
I use Home Assistant and the trickiest part was figuring out how to import the values, I achieved this by adding MQTT sensors to my configuration.yaml
but it's a hacky solution.
- platform: mqtt
name: 'Growatt Solarpower'
state_topic: 'growatt/data'
value_template: '{{ value_json.solarpower }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: power
- platform: mqtt
name: 'Growatt Enery Today'
state_topic: 'growatt/data'
value_template: '{{ value_json.energytoday }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
device_class: energy
I was wondering if you might add the functionality to publish the sensors from your sketch into the `homeassistant/sensor/growatt' topic, as this would allow Home Assistant auto-discovery:
I borrowed this example from another solution:
Topic :homeassistant/sensor/inverter_1_pv_power/config
{"device":{"ids":["sa_inverter"],"mdl":"Growatt MIN/MIC","mf":"Growatt","name":"Growatt MIN/MIC"},"device_class":"power","name":"PV power","state_topic":"solar/inverter_1/pv_power/state","uniq_id":"inverter_1_pv_power","unit_of_measurement":"W"}
Hmmm, I have seen these homeassisant topic in my MQTT server, but never really paid much attention to them. But it does not look too complicated. But it will be a hell of a large big configuration message considering the high number of fields. I am in a middle of a large project, but I have some tidy up work to do here, so I think I will come back to this somewhere during the fall and add the homeassistant part as well.
ok that sounds great, I'm looking forward to seeing the results.
I'm super pleased with your sketch, it's been working flawlessly for a week now.
For large configurations yaml it's easier to manage.
One advantage of discovery, it's create a device on HA