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Add Android Support [$50]
Epicness, this'd haz it
It's possible to provide an Android port of node-webkit, but I don't have plan for that in near future, supporting all three major desktop platforms has already taken all of my time.
In case Chrome need V8 Android bridge, it should be done there.
at least three things to do:
- porting Chrome's V8 to node.js.
- cross compile node.js with Android NDK
- poring what else in content-shell to Android
If it's technically possible that would be awesome. Could game developers even use WebGL on Android with this way?
Not sure, I'm not familiar with Chrome on Android.
Hmm... nope. The current version of Android for Chrome doesn't support WebGL :(
@donaldpipowitch , I'm sure it will get better :)
@subtleGradient, why not use Phonegap?
PhoneGap neither uses V8 nor Node. It just uses the native WebView and adds some API bridges.
FIY: Great news. The recent Chrome for Android Beta features WebGL hidden behind a flag: http://blog.tojicode.com/2013/01/get-webgl-working-on-android-chrome-beta.html?m=1
It would be just so sweet to get node-webkit running on an OUYA :)
This is epic if possible :)
Even if it's technically possible to enable node APIs on Andorid, will Google allow such an application being installed? Basically it can access all the resources in the device and user will have no way to control it.
I think you would have to use the regular Android way and declare a AndroidManifest.xml to set permissions.
Meanwhile, https://github.com/paddybyers/node/wiki/Building-v0.11-for-Android
Meanwhile, the joyent/node#5514 patch has been merged into the core of Node.js.
what s up with node-webkit on android ?
FYI, here is an attempt to provide a pure javascript development environment for native Apps, by using V8 on Android and spider-monkey on iOS. http://sourceforge.net/projects/yaui/
Any progress on this?
If it would be possible to get it working, I may be interested in paying someone (a grand or two?) to get this going. Requirements would be that it has WebGL available (ie latest Chrome).
FYI: With the new JS-to-ObjC-Bridge in iOS7 it should be possible to polyfill Node on iOS, so generally it should be possible to do node-webkit on iOS7, too?
its definitely possible, i have just converted one of my projects from node-webkit to android using the chromium content shell for android from https://github.com/davisford/android-chromium-view doesent have nodejs but the JS bridge works so i was able to recreate the required nodejs functions in java and pass the information back over the bridge.
It would probably need a native app shell and then define a JNI to map webview's js calls to node. (in theory!)
You could probably modify webinos, to emulate node-webkit from what I have read its the chromium content shell smashed together with anode.
Thanks Albi90
Very interested in html5 nodejs (node-webkit) for my new android tablet
If what you care about is a full-performance Chromium fullscreen window on Android showing your web app, well then I suggest that you look into using Crosswalk (http://www.crosswalk-project.org).
If you really depend on the node.js support, well then you can stop reading here, at least for now :-)
There is even an APK generator here: https://github.com/crosswalk-project/crosswalk-apk-generator.
So what is Crosswalk and does it make sense for you? (some extracts from my upcoming article for html5hub.com)
Crosswalk brings the full performance of Blink/Chromium to web applications on all Android devices from version 4.0 onwards, as well as some additional standards-based web features requested by app developers, such as orientation lock, raw sockets, WebRTC and WebAudio and even WebGL :-)
I guess some readers know that the latest Android (4.4, KitKat) now brings a WebView based on Chrome and Blink, so why not just use that?
Well, the new WebView is only available to people running the latest major version of Android and furthermore, the performance characteristics and features differ somewhat from Chrome, depending on the Android API level used by the embedding application.
This is because the new WebView in KitKat has to match the behavior of the previous WebView to avoid breaking existing applications, which means supporting legacy features, workarounds etc. In some cases this negatively affects layout and performance. In particular canvas performance seems to be hurt and features such as WebGL are left out for now.
As Crosswalk doesn't need this compatibility, it can follow a design very similar to that of the Chrome browser, and it is in fact built on top of Chromium components such as the content module and the Blink engine which makes it blazingly fast and very standards compliant.
What I would like to do is: Do all my development of Android app's on the tablet (Android OS). For me this has two advantages:
- I don't have to carry around a 4lb laptop.
- I don't have to run an android simulator and then reconfirm its
actual operation in the Android environment.
Then there is the added time of keeping the simulator in sync with the Android OS. And the publishing and transfer between the two platforms. Do I really need all of this complication?
Hi Guys
If you want i have the latest chromium content shell refracted into an android studio project, i cant take any credit for it, its based on Davis Fords github project (now private), but updated.
just add a javascript bridge to communicate between your java and javascript.
Thanks Albi90
Would be great to see node-webkit support for Android and iOS, it would definitely expand node.js to everywhere (already have it running as a pseudo-operating system for embedded devices by killing the window manager on a Raspberry PI, replacing X with a single-window instance of Midori and setting node.js to run automatically, same can be done with a node-webkit application but it makes it a bit harder to update than separating the node.js and web browser instances in that case).
I am with you on this. Want to develop browser based application for local android platform. Working on it now!
On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 1:56 PM, CoryGH [email protected] wrote:
Would be great to see node-webkit support for Android and iOS, it would definitely expand node.js to everywhere (already have it running as a pseudo-operating system for embedded devices by killing the window manager on a Raspberry PI, replacing X with a single-window instance of Midori and setting node.js to run automatically, same can be done with a node-webkit application but it makes it a bit harder to update than separating the node.js and web browser instances in that case).
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/issues/94#issuecomment-40749586 .