mtcnn_facenet_cpp_tensorRT copied to clipboard
Video file test
Is there a way i can use video file as input instead of image/photo.
how can i deploy it using deepstream?
how can i deploy it using deepstream? --> Not yet build.
Is there a way i can use video file as input instead of image/photo.? --> in main.cpp changing the 45th line from 0 to video.mp4
- // init opencv stuff
- VideoStreamer videoStreamer = VideoStreamer("video.mp4", videoFrameWidth, videoFrameHeight);
- cv::Mat frame;
I hope i answered your query. Thanks
Thank you. I really appreciate your help and time.
I tried the solution you provided for using mp4 vido file as input. But i am getting errors
Can you please share the error
End generating TensorRT runtime models Parsing Directory: ../imgs Empty frame! Exiting... Try restarting nvargus-daemon by doing: sudo systemctl restart nvargus-daemon Counted 0 frames in 0 seconds! This equals nanfps.
After performing this command /mtcnn_facenet_cpp_tensorRT I did
sudo systemctl restart nvargus-daemon` but i am still getting that error, what could be the reason?
I am not trying to compare from camera, just using mp4 video as input test
Did you put your database in the imgs folder? Also need to resize the video file to 640x480 size. Please do this changes and tell me the results
"Did you put your database in the imgs folder", you mean the image of known person to recognise in the video?
Yes the image database that you want to recognise in the video
This folder contains images of people you would like to recognize. The format of picture should class_name.jpg.
is it possible to use 1080x1920? by setting this to
34 int videoFrameWidth = 1080; 35 int videoFrameHeight = 1920
Thank you, i managed to load the video successfully, even tho it is showing new person on the face of a person whose face is included in the imgs file
Whilest doing the test, i realised that smaller faces are not detected, is there a way to solve this?
40 is the minimum pixel size for face detection. You can reduce it. But normally people are taking the smaller size upto 40 pixels
how can i change the pixel size? i mtcnn.cpp
//set minimal face size (weidth in pixels) nt minsize = 60;
this side? and set it to lower size?