Here's a breakdown of the branching factor, partially because it may be useful but mostly because I like running Cypher: ``` neo4j> MATCH (:ReferenceNode)-->({ layer: "pointLayer"})-[:RTREE_ROOT]->(root) with root match p=(root)-[rels:RTREE_CHILD*0..]->()...
OK, I've debugged a but more, and the issue is with the saveCount() method in src/main/java/org/neo4j/gis/spatial/rtree/RTreeIndex.java. With essentially every (interesting) request to a procedure advertised in the spatial plugin, a...
Amen, Brother. Did you get anywhere with this? I've been monitoring this thread hoping to discover whether I'm using the spatial plugin correctly. After removing a layer and watching my...
Just to complicate matters further, is there not a “bbox” attribute added to user nodes once they are added to an index? Ideally, those attributes would be removed along with...
Thank you for your responses. My apologies -- I wanted to contribute, but seem to have only wasted everyone's time. My bad.