FileKit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FileKit copied to clipboard

Simple and expressive file management in Swift

Results 16 FileKit issues
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I was able to find this issue but I do not understand why it was closed without any resolution. Does no-one maintaining this project have access to update the...

``` +>! Operator Forcibly copies the file at the left path to the right path by deleting anything at the left path before copying the file. ``` Should that be... The method may crash an app. Can you replace with a safe method?

Hi, When I build your component with carthage I have these warnings: ``` ../Sources/Carthage/Checkouts/FileKit/Sources/Path.swift:1066:17: warning: 'ExpressibleByStringInterpolation' is deprecated: it will be replaced or redesigned in Swift 4.0. Instead of conforming...

help wanted

If yes then what the path that should be used and what changes are required for xcode project to support icloud on macOS


When adding a `String` to a `Path`, if the `Path` ends with `/` and the `String` starts with `/` then the results include `AnySequence` garbage. ```swift import FileKit print(Path("/Foo/bar/") +...


It would be great to have a way to add/remove extended file attributes. For example, If I wanted to associate different display name for file rather than original name of...


It's have a easy method to get relative path?


I just tried building this on an linux machine running Ubuntu 16.04 with swift 3.0.1 and there were several build errors. [failures.txt]( I will attempt running this on my macOS...