That format is pretty but missing the path info, specially because many BIPs are not implemented equally by the vendors. Maybe we could have a copy of that chart on...
I recommend asking the project devs to make a PR with accurate information
That's another instance of a possible need for a separate document like Casa and Electrum.
Sure, I like them. The ⛓️ still a bit unclear. I wish they had a fork🍴 only emoji. Alternatives: - We could use both side by side ⑂⛓️ "Fork Chain"...
@Enegnei still interested in making these changes? I've added one more for "New projects/teams" with the idea of extra scrutiny to be observed.
Yes, that would live in a separate document for each wallet. ~ie inside `/wallets/green.md`~ should be a single long file `/walletsrecovery.json` Want to take a stab at it?
Looks fine, for now I think we should just mirror everything that us on the markdown. >ColdCard's m/48' it doesn't restrict 48 supported. >Should there be an array of firmware...
You did it correctly :)
I like the idea still struggling with keeping this site simple stupid so that is always up to date. The json file is great, but someone will need to keep...