spaceline.vim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spaceline.vim copied to clipboard

vim statusline like spacemacs

Results 8 spaceline.vim issues
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The spaceline in NvimTree looks weird ![image](

Hello, I just wanted to know that whether you can add a new vim colorscheme to your spaceline themes or not. Recently, i have been working on [uwu.vim]( and i...

Hi. Thanks for making this amazing vim plugin. I have plugged in spaceline to my .vimrc and fixed the bug not showing background colors on spaceline. But I had a...

there is many error in MAXOS E5108: Error while calling lua chunk for luaeval(): [string ""]:1: module 'nvim-web-devicons' not found: no field package.preload['nvim-web-devicons'] no file '/Users/tianwentang/.config/nvim/lua/nvim-web-devicons.lua' no file '/Users/tianwentang/.config/nvim/lua/nvim-web-devicons/init.lua' no...

This is my favorite color scheme [Srcery]( It looks like this. ![スクリーンショット 2021-05-13 1 15 43]( Other separator groups seem fine.

![image]( 如图,左下角符号非常小,而且有部分内容无法正常显示,如文件大小,编码格式等 系统:win10 gvim 8.2 字体:DejaVuSansMono NF(从nerd font官网下载的)
