telescope.nvim copied to clipboard
lsp_definitions() jump_type ignored if the target buffer is opened in a window
Not sure if bug or "just as planned" but from the description:
{jump_type} (string) how to goto definition if there is only one
and the definition file is different from
the current file, values: "tab", "split",
"vsplit", "never"
{reuse_win} (boolean) jump to existing window if buffer is
already opened (default: false)
Given that the user have a method under the cursor and method's definition in the same buffer
I'd expect that setting jump_type
to vsplit
and (optionally?) setting reuse_win
to false
(default) will create a new window with the same buffer.
What actually happens: cursos simply jumps to definition withou leaving the existing window.
Neovim version
NVIM v0.9.1
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Operating system and version
macOS 13.5
Telescope version / branch / rev
checkhealth telescope
telescope: require("").check()
Checking for required plugins ~
- OK plenary installed.
- OK nvim-treesitter installed.
Checking external dependencies ~
- OK rg: found ripgrep 13.0.0
- OK fd: found fd 8.7.0
===== Installed extensions ===== ~
Telescope Extension: `yank_history` ~
- No healthcheck provided
Telescope Extension: `zf-native` ~
- No healthcheck provided
Steps to reproduce
- Move cursor to a method X such that it has its definition in the same file\buffer
- Call
Expected behavior
New vertical split created with the definition of X under the cursor
Actual behavior
Cursor jumps to a definition in active window.
Well there is thing thing in the source code:
if uri ~= flattened_results[1].uri and uri ~= flattened_results[1].targetUri then
if opts.jump_type == "tab" then
vim.cmd "tabedit"
elseif opts.jump_type == "split" then
vim.cmd "new"
elseif opts.jump_type == "vsplit" then
vim.cmd "vnew"
vim.lsp.util.jump_to_location(flattened_results[1], offset_encoding, opts.reuse_win)
Basically it only creates new splits or tabs if the uri (which is a string of the form file://buffer_filename) differs from the current tab uri. uri and targetUri are the same things, targetUri is the prefered richer version but both refer to the file where the result is as per the protocol.
So this seems intentional. It only jumps within the current window and doesn't create one. If you would want to do that maybe a separate option would be needed.
I see what you mean. I think the explanations in the file are misleading then:
--- Goto the definition of the type of the word under the cursor, if there's only one,
--- otherwise show all options in Telescope
---@param opts table: options to pass to the picker
---@field jump_type string: how to goto definition if there is only one and the definition file is different from the current file, values: "tab", "tab drop", "split", "vsplit", "never"
---@field fname_width number: defines the width of the filename section (default: 30)
---@field show_line boolean: show results text (default: true)
---@field trim_text boolean: trim results text (default: false)
---@field reuse_win boolean: jump to existing window if buffer is already opened (default: false)
---@field file_encoding string: file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_type_definitions = require_on_exported_call("telescope.builtin.__lsp").type_definitions
One (including myself) would read this as:
map('n', 'gd', function() require('telescope.builtin').lsp_definitions({ jump_type = 'vsplit', reuse_win = true }) end, { desc = 'Goto definition' })
jump_type = 'vsplit' -- A window will be split vertically if the definition is in a different file.
reuse_win = true -- If the file is already open in a split window, then reuse that window, not split again.
Also, the new split is an empty buffer. So it seems like a bug where it creates the split but doesn't load the file into the buffer because it's already open.
You can reproduce by setting the above keymap, opening a file that references a definition in a different file, moving the cursor to that reference, activating the keymap, returning to the same spot and activating the keymap again.
I found this issue after running a PackerSync and wondering why jumping to definitions was broken.
The default behaviour was changed in #2324. Unfortunately the author's assumption that everyone would want to reuse the window wasn't correct, at least for me! I already have a binding for jumping to the definition in the same window: don't use the jump_type and it'll do that.
I'll see if I can create a PR to change that behaviour to a configurable option but haven't contributed to telescope before so it might take me a while 🙂