lsp-fastaction.nvim copied to clipboard
lsp codeaction UI for neovim
A small plugin to map a lsp code action to 1 key and sort the code action
Plug {'windwp/lsp-fastaction.nvim'}
--- sample for dart with flutter
hide_cursor = true,
action_data = {
--- action for filetype dart
['dart'] = {
-- pattern is a lua regex with lower case
{ pattern = 'import library', key = 'i', order = 1 },
{ pattern = 'wrap with widget', key = 'w', order = 2 },
{ pattern = 'wrap with column', key = 'c', order = 3 },
{ pattern = 'wrap with row', key = 'r', order = 3 },
{ pattern = 'wrap with sizedbox', key = 's', order = 3 },
{ pattern = 'wrap with container', key = 'C', order = 4 },
{ pattern = 'wrap with center', key = 'E', order = 4 },
{ pattern = 'padding', key = 'P', order = 4 },
{ pattern = 'wrap with streambuilder', key = 'S', order = 5 },
{ pattern = 'remove', key = 'R', order = 5 },
--range code action
{ pattern = "surround with %'if'", key = 'i', order = 2 },
{ pattern = 'try%-catch', key = 't', order = 2 },
{ pattern = 'for%-in', key = 'f', order = 2 },
{ pattern = 'setstate', key = 's', order = 2 },
['typescript'] = {
{ pattern = 'to existing import declaration', key = 'a', order = 2 },
{ pattern = 'from module', key = 'i', order = 1 },
--- add this to your mapping on lsp
'<cmd>lua require("lsp-fastaction").code_action()<CR>'
"<esc><cmd>lua require('lsp-fastaction').range_code_action()<CR>",
🌟 Credits
Most of code I copy from telescope and octo @pwntester 😃