neorg copied to clipboard
generate-workspace-summary triggers an error…
- [X] I am using the latest stable release of Neovim
- [X] I am using the latest version of the plugin
Neovim Version
Neorg setup
{ "nvim-neorg/neorg", -- lazy = false, ft = "norg", build = ":Neorg sync-parsers", dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects", "nvim-cmp", "nvim-neorg/neorg-telescope" }, cmd = "Neorg", config = function() require("neorg").setup { load = { ["core.defaults"] = {}, -- Loads default behaviour ["core.concealer"] = { -- Adds pretty icons to your documents config = { icon_preset = "basic", -- basic, diamond, mixed -- icons = { -- doesn't work… -- heading = { -- level_1 = { icon = '❖' }, -- level_2 = { icon = ' ◈' }, -- level_3 = { icon = ' ◇' }, -- level_4 = { icon = ' ⋄' }, -- level_5 = { icon = ' ⟡' }, -- level_6 = { enabled = false }, -- }, -- }, }, }, ["core.journal"] = { config = { workspace = "notes", strategy = "flat", }, }, ["core.completion"] = { config = { engine = "nvim-cmp", name = "[Norg]" }, }, ["core.integrations.nvim-cmp"] = {}, ["core.integrations.treesitter"] = {}, ["core.dirman"] = { -- Manages Neorg workspaces config = { workspaces = { notes = "~/myWiki/", work = "~/college/myWork", }, default_workspace = "notes" }, }, ["core.integrations.telescope"] = {}, ["core.summary"] = { config = { strategy = "default", } }, }, } end, },
Actual behavior
When I go to my index page, add a title and then type :
:Neorg generate-workspace-summary
I get:
Error executing Lua callback: Autocommandes BufWinEnter pour "*"..function <SNR>11_Highlight_Matching_Pair, line 149: Vim(call):E801: ID déjà pris: 3 stack traceback: [C]: in function 'bufload' ...ed/.local/share/nvim/lazy/neorg/lua/neorg/core/utils.lua:174: in function 'read_files' ...vim/lazy/neorg/lua/neorg/modules/core/summary/module.lua:91: in function 'strategy' ...vim/lazy/neorg/lua/neorg/modules/core/summary/module.lua:230: in function 'generate_workspace_summary' ...vim/lazy/neorg/lua/neorg/modules/core/summary/module.lua:256: in function 'on_event' .../.local/share/nvim/lazy/neorg/lua/neorg/core/modules.lua:709: in function 'broadcast_event' in function < es/core/neorgcmd/module.lua:193>
Expected behavior
I would expect the summary to be generated, as I can see in the tutorial video :wink:
Sorry if I don't describe my issue well and if I don't respect all rules, but I'm facing this issue for several hours now, and I don't know what to do… I do have looked for answers in the other issues, tried to change my config and so on… but nothing worked… I just thought someone could have a look at that and tell me where to dig (I doubt the problem is due to Neorg, but I'm stuck on this). Thanks !
Steps to reproduce
Just as I have mentionned earlier : typing the Neorg generate-workspace-summary throws the error message.
Potentially conflicting plugins
I must admit I have difficulty understanding all Lua config from Neovim. My setup uses nvChad default config.
Other information
No response
Implementation help
No response
No one is inspired by my issue :cry: I'm trying to solve it, but I have no clue of what's is going on…
Hi @celfred,
I think I had a similar issue months back. But after changing my colorscheme it went away. Im not sure if it will work in your case, but just wanted to share.
I apprciate your answer @tamton-aquib , but no luck for me, it hasn't changed anything…
What plugins other than neorg do you have installed on top of NvChad?
I cannot reproduce your error with stock NvChad + neorg with the above config.
Thanks for your reply. It lead me on the right way, I guess, even tough I had tried to comment out all my other plugins. I did try it again to no avail, but then I had another idea : I got rid of all my former files (abruptly changed from a former vimWiki workspace from .md to .norg) andstarted a new workspace, and this time, the command worked ! So sorry for this "wrong" issue I have mentionned, but maybe some others will find this useful : don't simply change extension from .md to .norg :smile: (I wanted not to lose all my previous Markdown files, maybe there' a good practice for that ?) Anyway, thanks for your help @pysan3 !
Ok, nice to hear. FYI I implemented a cli tool to convert markdown files (or any other markup file) into norg format. Maybe it can help you ;)
Great, thanks ! I'll check that. In the meantime, I was thinking that maybe a more clear error message could be an evolution. Something like "Files in the current workspace do not seem to be regular .norg files.". I had actually tried launching the generate-workspace-summary command from the line under the headline line and the message was quite explicit (from memory : "This is not a headline line!").