neorg copied to clipboard
High CPU and RAM usage when running :Neorg index inside an opened workspace
- [X] I am using the latest stable release of Neovim
- [ ] I am using the latest version of the plugin (I'm using v5.0.0)
Neovim Version
Neorg setup
opts = {
load = {
["core.defaults"] = {}, -- Loads default behaviour
["core.concealer"] = {
config = {
folds = true,
init_open_folds = "always",
icon_preset = "diamond",
}, -- Adds pretty icons to your documents
["core.dirman"] = { -- Manages Neorg workspaces
config = {
default_workspace = "notes",
workspaces = {
notes = "~/Documents/Sync/neorg/",
["core.completion"] = {
config = {
engine = "nvim-cmp",
["core.summary"] = {},
-- ["core.integrations.telescope"] = {},
Actual behavior
After running :Neorg index
, the CPU usage goes to 1005 on one core (only in the nvim --embed index.norg
process, according to btop
). Also, RAM usage slowly increases to almost 100%. I have 16GB. At the same time, the Neovim process freezes and has to be killed to be able to quit.
Expected behavior
Nothing, I guess? I just tried all commands and after reading through the documentation, :Neorg index
is supposed to take me to the index file, where I already am. So this should be a no-op.
Steps to reproduce
Folder structure:
- ~
|- neorg
|- index.norg
|- notizen.norg
|- todos.norg
- cd into neorg workspace directory (e.g. ~/neorg/index.norg)
- Open index file in nvim
- Do :Neorg index
- ???
- Profit
This only works with the index file though, not the other files!
Index contents:
title: index
description: Starting point of notes repository
authors: user
created: 2023-09-11
updated: 2023-09-24
version: 1.1.1
* Links
- {* Links}[Index(Here)]
- {:todos:}[TODOs]
- {:notizen:}[Some Notes]
Potentially conflicting plugins
Only lsp, treesitter, telescope enabled to test this
Other information
I did, however, not nuke the entire config. All configurations should be disabled through lazy.nvim though.
Yes, but I don't know how to start. I would need guidance (check question below)
Implementation help
Well, neorg code structure.
What OS are you running Neovim on? Can you try disabling some of the modules and see if something is acting up?
I've been unable to reproduce this issue on my end no matter what, weird. It could very well be another plugin, the OS, or a module acting up, but yeah I have no clue. Perhaps someone else with the same problem could also chime in and provide extra insight if they have any