lualine.nvim copied to clipboard
feat: Add harpoon_files component
Since I found that feature useful for having better view on marked files, I decided to share it with you.
This pull request adds the harpoon_files
component feature to the project. This feature shows the files marked by the ThePrimeagen/harpoon plugin, including inactives and active files.
The code is inspired by the 'buffers' component, so most of it is duplicated and the logic is the same.
The on click feature is not yet implemented.
Changes Made
- Added harpoon_files folder with harpoon_file.lua and init.lua in components folder.
- Updated
How to use it
Simply use it as you would use other components
sections = {
lualine_a = { 'mode' },
lualine_b = { 'harpoon_files' },
lualine_c = { 'branch', 'diff', 'diagnostics' },
Possible options (taken from buffers, see README):
show_filename_only = true,
hide_filename_extension = false,
max_length = vim.o.columns * 2 / 3,
use_mode_colors = false,
harpoon_files_color = {
active = 'lualine_section_normal', -- Color for active harpoon file.
inactive = 'lualine_section_inactive', -- Color for inactive harpoon
+1 this is great! Harpoon solves a lot of annoyances with global marks, and this solves the issue of me forgetting what is marked with harpoon.
+1 this is great! Harpoon solves a lot of annoyances with global marks, and this solves the issue of me forgetting what is marked with harpoon.
Hey, glad you like it ! If you would like to use it with the current version of lualine, here is a simple function implementation:
local hp_marks = require('harpoon.mark')
local devicons = require('nvim-web-devicons')
function Harpoon_files()
local contents = {}
for idx = 1, hp_marks.get_length() do
local file_path = hp_marks.get_marked_file_name(idx)
local file_name
if file_path == "" then
file_name = "(empty)"
file_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(file_path, ':t')
local dev, _ = devicons.get_icon(file_name)
local current_file_path = vim.fn.expand("%:f")
local prev = ""
if idx ~= 1 then
prev = " "
local next = ""
if idx < hp_marks.get_length() then
next = " "
if file_path == current_file_path then
contents[idx] = string.format("%%#lualine_b_normal#%s%s %s%s", prev, dev, file_name, next)
contents[idx] = string.format("%%#lualine_b_inactive#%s%s %s%s", prev, dev, file_name, next)
return table.concat(contents)
sections = {
lualine_b = { { Harpoon_files } },