Hi @npatki, Two parties may hold information about the same identities, but, for privacy reasons, may not want to join them directly in an unprotected way. [This paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.04885.pdf) on federated...
Hi @katxiao , a common industry scenario might be when one company is evaluating the data of another. Both have information on a shared set of identities, but, for regulatory...
Thanks for the heads up. will remove the arg from nixpkgs when updating for 4.4.0
Encountered the same issue. This one is important to me too. Thank you!
Hi @wlandau - just to confirm my understanding, you're proposing we add, for instance `crew_monitor_slurm()`, and all related bits following [crew_monitor_sge.R](https://github.com/wlandau/crew.cluster/blob/main/R/crew_monitor_sge.R)?
I'll give some thought to slurm. There are the usual slurm commands (squeue, scancel, etc...) whose output we could parse, but there's also a DB (optional and typically used in...
Sorry I was pulled away from this thread by work. The yaml option looks like a much better approach than parsing squeue, but I think it requires an extra plugin...