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Differentially Private Diffusion Models
Differentially Private Diffusion Models
TMLR 2023
DPDM is built using PyTorch 1.11.0 and CUDA 11.3. Please use the following command to install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Pretrained checkpoints
We provide pre-trained checkpoints for all models presented in the paper here. You can sample from the checkpoint using the following command:
python main.py --mode eval --workdir <new_directory> --config <config_file> -- model.ckpt=<checkpoint_path>
Dataset | Resolution | Epsilon | Config | Checkpoint | Class-conditional |
MNIST | 28 | 0.2 | configs/mnist_28/sample_eps_0.2.yaml |
mnist_v_0.2.pth |
Yes |
MNIST | 28 | 1.0 | configs/mnist_28/sample_eps_1.0.yaml |
mnist_edm_1.0.pth |
Yes |
MNIST | 28 | 10.0 | configs/mnist_28/sample_eps_10.0.yaml |
mnist_edm_1.0.pth |
Yes |
Fashion-MNIST | 28 | 0.2 | configs/fmnist_28/sample_eps_0.2.yaml |
mnist_v_0.2.pth |
Yes |
Fashion-MNIST | 28 | 1.0 | configs/fmnist_28/sample_eps_1.0.yaml |
mnist_edm_1.0.pth |
Yes |
Fashion-MNIST | 28 | 10.0 | configs/fmnist_28/sample_eps_10.0.yaml |
mnist_edm_10.0.pth |
Yes |
CelebA | 32 | 1.0 | configs/celeba_32/sample_eps_1.0.yaml |
celeba_edm_1.0.pth |
No |
CelebA | 32 | 10.0 | configs/celeba_32/sample_eps_10.0.yaml |
celeba_edm_10.0.pth |
No |
CelebA | 64 | 10.0 | configs/celeba_64/sample_eps_10.0.yaml |
celeba64_edm_10.0.pth |
No |
CIFAR-10 | 32 | 10.0 | configs/cifar10_32/sample_eps_10.0.yaml |
cifar10_edm_10.0.pth |
Yes |
ImageNet | 32 | 10.0 | configs/imagenet_32/sample_eps_10.0.yaml |
imagenet_edm_10.0.pth |
Yes |
By default, the above command generates 16 samples using DDIM with 50 steps on a single GPU. You can modify any entry of the config file directly through the command line, e.g., you may append sampler.num_steps=20
to the above command to change the number of DDIM steps from 50 (default value) to 20.
For class-conditional sampling, you can set sampler.labels
to a single integer between 0 and num_classes - 1
(inclusive) to generate all samples from the same class. By default, the configs sets sampler.labels=num_classes
which performs random sampling.
All class-conditional models are trained for classifier-free guidance by dropping out the label 10% of the time. By default, the guidance strength is set to 0 but you may change it by setting sampler.guid_scale
To reproduce the results in the paper, you may adjust the sampler settings accordingly. For example, to obtain the best FID value for MNIST, eps=1.0, the sampler setting is (Table 13 & Table 14):
python main.py --mode eval --workdir <new_directory> --config configs/mnist_28/sample_eps_1.0.yaml -- model.ckpt=<checkpoint_path> sampler.type=edm sampler.s_churn=100. sampler.s_min=0.05 sampler.s_max=50. sampler.num_steps=1000
Training your own models
Data preparations
First, create the following two folders:
mkdir -p data/raw/
mkdir -p data/processed/
Afterwards, run the following commands to download and prepare the data used for training. MNIST and FashionMNIST are downloaded and processed automatically.
wget -P data/raw/ https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz
python dataset_tool.py --source data/raw/cifar-10-python.tar.gz --dest data/processed/cifar10.zip
First download the ImageNet Object Localization Challenge, then run the following
python dataset_tool.py --source==data/raw/imagenet/ILSVRC/Data/CLS-LOC/train --dest=data/processed/imagenet.zip --resolution=32x32 --transform=center-crop
FID evaluation
Before training, you should compute FID statistics of the data:
python precompute_data_mnist_fid_statistics.py
python precompute_data_mnist_fid_statistics.py --test
python precompute_data_mnist_fid_statistics.py --is_fmnist
python precompute_data_mnist_fid_statistics.py --is_fmnist --test
python compute_fid_statistics.py --path data/processed/cifar10.zip --file cifar10.npz
python compute_fid_statistics.py --path data/processed/imagenet.zip --file imagenet.npz
python compute_fid_statistics.py --path data/processed/celeba.zip --file celeba.npz
DPDM training
We provide configurations to reproduce our models here. You may use the following command for training:
python main.py --mode train --workdir <new_directory> --config <dataset>
Our models are trained on eight NVIDIA A100 (80Gb) GPUs; you can set the number of GPUs per node via setup.n_gpus_per_node
. We use large batch sizes which are split into several iterations; to reduce the required GPU memory, you may increase the flag train.n_splits
(by a multiple of 2).
If you find the provided code or checkpoints useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:
title={{Differentially Private Diffusion Models}},
author={Tim Dockhorn and Tianshi Cao and Arash Vahdat and Karsten Kreis},
journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
Copyright © 2023, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
The code of this work is made available under the NVIDIA Source Code License. Please see our main LICENSE file.
Pre-trained checkpooints are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
License Dependencies
For any code dependencies related to StyleGAN3 (stylegan3/
, torch_utils/
, and dnnlib/
), the license is the Nvidia Source Code License by NVIDIA Corporation, see StyleGAN3 LICENSE.
Our DPDMs are based on the DDPM++ architecture which is realeased under Apache License 2.0.