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Skipping sharp dependency?

Open PatrickHeneise opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments

Hi there. When using external image optimization providers in a production environment, sharp is obsolete, correct? Is there a possibility to skip the installation? The binaries are causing a bit of a headache between various environments.

PatrickHeneise avatar Aug 03 '21 12:08 PatrickHeneise

Thanks for suggesting this. Does making sharp an optionalDependency makes sense to you?

pi0 avatar Aug 03 '21 15:08 pi0

Yeah, ipx/sharp as optional dependency for local/development and opting out on production would be great. If you point me in the direction on how this can be implemented, I can try to provide a PR. I'm not sure how to make dependencies work with conditions.

PatrickHeneise avatar Aug 03 '21 15:08 PatrickHeneise

We need to move ipx from dependencies to optionalDependencies (perfection: in ipxSetup ensure dependency is installed without any errors and warn if not)

Also in your project, you can move @nuxt/image from dependencies to devDependencies this way it won't be installed in production.

pi0 avatar Aug 03 '21 16:08 pi0

Thanks. I'll open a PR soon.

PatrickHeneise avatar Aug 04 '21 06:08 PatrickHeneise

Unfortunately this didn't fix the issue. As we're throwing an Error, the build fails when packages are installed with -no-optional

Step #1:  ERROR  [@nuxt/image] ipx is an optional dependency for local image optimization and is not properly installed. Please try npm install or yarn install again.
Step #1: 
Step #1: 
Step #1:  FATAL  Error: Cannot find module 'ipx'

PatrickHeneise avatar Sep 15 '21 12:09 PatrickHeneise

@PatrickHeneise Would you please share nuxt.config? This is odd that ipx provider is enabled since for vercel deployments, it has to auto switch to vercel.

pi0 avatar Sep 15 '21 13:09 pi0

We're not using Vercel.

image: {
    domains: ['https://XYZ'],
    provider: 'cloudflare',
    providers: {
      cloudflare: {
        provider: '~/providers/cloudflareImageProvider',
        options: {
          baseURL: ''

The error throws straight after nuxt build

PatrickHeneise avatar Sep 15 '21 14:09 PatrickHeneise

Thanks! I could reproduce and tracked down issue to resolveProvides that is always enabling static (which uses IPX). Looking for a fix :)

pi0 avatar Sep 15 '21 15:09 pi0

Does this effectively make the whole module non-working? Or is there a fix that will prevent the nuxt-image from trying to load ipx (which is not needed) My nuxt config is using this configuration per docs:

    provider: 'storyblok',
    storyblok: {
      baseURL: ''
    screens: {
      xs: 320,
      sm: 640,
      md: 768,
      lg: 1024,
      xl: 1280,
      xxl: 1536,
      '2xl': 1536
and I'm getting the `ipx is an optional dependency for local image optimization` error as well

altryne avatar Aug 04 '22 22:08 altryne

I also get that without stroyblock and other shit, on localhost

[@nuxt/image] ipx is an optional dependency for local image optimization and is not installed.

When I make en error in ohmyfetch from node_modules

  const $fetch = function $fetch2(request, opts) {
    console.log('10> ', request, opts)
    return $fetchRaw(request, opts).then((r) => r._data);
  $fetch.raw = $fetchRaw;
  $fetch.create = (defaultOptions = {}) => createFetch({
    defaults: {
  console.log('11> ', { //// <------------------------ ADD THAT HERE
    defaults: {

  return $fetch;

but what image have ohmyfetch with fetch? image module use fetch to load make direct calls?

mittci avatar Nov 07 '22 13:11 mittci

Hi there. I'm getting this error too.

My env:

- Node 16.13.1
- Nuxt 2.15.7
- Yarn 1.22.15
- @nuxt/image ^0.7.1

I've installed @nuxt/image by running yarn add --dev --ignore-optional @nuxt/image, as pointed on

When I run yarn generate (alias for nuxt generate) I get this error:

yarn run v1.22.15
$ nuxt generate
ℹ Merging Tailwind config from ~/tailwind.config.js

 ERROR  [@nuxt/image] ipx is an optional dependency for local image optimization and is not properly installed. Please try npm install or yarn install again.

 FATAL  TypeError: Invalid host defined options

  at node_modules/@nuxt/image/dist/module.cjs:112:13
  at async Object.ipxSetup [as setup] (node_modules/@nuxt/image/dist/module.cjs:110:48)
  at async ModuleContainer.imageModule2 (node_modules/@nuxt/image/dist/module.cjs:262:7)
  at async ModuleContainer.addModule (node_modules/@nuxt/core/dist/core.js:239:20)

   │                                                    │
   │   ✖ Nuxt Fatal Error                               │
   │                                                    │
   │   Error: TypeError: Invalid host defined options   │
   │                                                    │

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

My nuxt.config.js:

Note image property is set at the file's end. I get the same error with image: {}, and with no image property at all.

const fetch = require("node-fetch");

export default {
  head: {
    title: "Bored Teachers | Celebrating Educators Every Day.",
    htmlAttrs: {
      lang: "en"
    meta: [
      { charset: "utf-8" },
      { name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" },
        hid: "description",
        name: "description",
        content: "Celebrating Educators Every Day."
      // Twitter
      // Test on:
        hid: "twitter:card",
        name: "twitter:card",
        content: "summary_large_image"
      { hid: "twitter:site", name: "twitter:site", content: "@Bored_Teachers" },
        hid: "twitter:url",
        name: "twitter:url",
        content: ""
        hid: "twitter:title",
        name: "twitter:title",
        content: "Bored Teachers | Celebrating Educators Every Day."
        hid: "twitter:description",
        name: "twitter:description",
        content: "Celebrating Educators Every Day."
        hid: "twitter:image",
        name: "twitter:image",

      // Open Graph
      // Test on:
        hid: "og:site_name",
        property: "og:site_name",
        content: "Bored Teachers"
      { hid: "og:type", property: "og:type", content: "website" },
        hid: "og:url",
        property: "og:url",
        content: ""
        hid: "og:title",
        property: "og:title",
        content: "Bored Teachers | Celebrating Educators Every Day."
        hid: "og:description",
        property: "og:description",
        content: "Celebrating Educators Every Day."
        hid: "og:image",
        property: "og:image",
        hid: "og:image:secure_url",
        property: "og:image:secure_url",
        hid: "og:image:alt",
        property: "og:image:alt",
        content: "BoredTeachers"
        hid: "fb:app_id",
        property: "fb:app_id",
        content: "355427452233649"
    link: [
      { rel: "icon", type: "image/x-icon", href: "/favicon.ico" },
        rel: "stylesheet",
        rel: "stylesheet",
        rel: "stylesheet",
        rel: "stylesheet",
        href: ""
    script: [
      // { src: '/privy.js' },
      // { src: '', async: true },

  loading: {
    color: "#25D6B2",
    height: "5px"

  target: "static",

  router: {
    middleware: ["redirects"]

  env: {
    YT_API: "", // hidden
    BASE_URL: ""

  privateRuntimeConfig: {
    ytApi: process.env.YT_API

  publicRuntimeConfig: {
    baseUrl: process.env.BASE_URL || ""

  generate: {
    fallback: "404.html",
    // crawler: false,
    interval: 300,
    // exclude: [
    //   '/memes'
    // ],
    routes: function() {
      const uri = "";
      const query = `{
        categories(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
        giveaways(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
        listicles(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
        memes(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
        posts(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
        printables(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
        shoppingLists(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
        videos(first: 9999) {
          edges {
            node {
      return fetch(uri, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body: JSON.stringify({ query })
        .then(result => result.json())
        .then(result => {
          const { data } = result;
          let routes = [];
          let tempArr = [];

          /* categories */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/category/${category.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          /* giveaways */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/giveaway/${giveaway.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          /* listicles */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/post/${listicle.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          /* memes */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/meme/${meme.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          /* posts */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/post/${post.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          /* printables */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/printable/${printable.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          /* shoppingLists */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/post/${shoppingList.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          /* videos */
          tempArr = => {
            return {
              route: `/video/${video.node.slug}`

          routes = tempArr.concat(routes);

          return routes;
        .catch(error => {

  css: ["~/assets/main.css"],

  plugins: [
      src: "@/plugins/slider",
      mode: "client",
      ssr: false
      src: "~/plugins/global-gutenberg-components-loader.js"

  // Auto import components:
  components: true,

  buildModules: [

  modules: [

  facebook: {
    track: "PageView",
    pixelId: "712475899386953",
    autoPageView: true,
    disabled: false

  apollo: {
    includeNodeModules: true,
    clientConfigs: {
      default: "@/apollo/client-configs/default.js"
    errorHandler: "~/plugins/apollo-error-handler.js"

  helmet: {},

  googleAnalytics: {
    id: "UA-76795799-1"

  // Build Configuration:
  build: {
    extend(config, { isClient, isServer }) {
      config.node = {
        fs: "empty",
        child_process: "empty",
        tls: "empty",
        net: "empty"
      config.resolve.alias["vue$"] = "vue/dist/vue.esm.js";

      if (isServer) {
        config.externals = [
            canvas: "util"

  image: {
    domains: [""]

brunoenribeiro avatar Nov 15 '22 15:11 brunoenribeiro

Hi, I'm having the same issue! Works on my local computer and in GithubAction but fails during Heroku deployment. Is there a way to disable this dependency or some reason it wouldn't be installed in Heroku?

maxtechera avatar Nov 15 '22 17:11 maxtechera

I have the same issue on Namecheap hosting, any fix?

EhsanJamshidi avatar Nov 26 '22 07:11 EhsanJamshidi

hey I'm getting a issue when running my project with yarn start : Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'ipx' imported from /app/.output/server/index.mjs

When i build it for production with:

yarn install --ignore-optional

using this version in devDependencies: "@nuxt/image-edge": "^1.0.0-28059208.2abef1b"

ipx doubles my build size and i don't need it, it would be nice to have a flag to disable it.

dissy123 avatar May 24 '23 08:05 dissy123

i assume there is no solution so far? that's pity

olegdon avatar Nov 21 '23 08:11 olegdon

@olegdon ipx (because of sharp) is now an optional dependency and also you can set provider to null if you are deploying to a target that has not support. If you encounter any issues feel free to open a new issue describing better of your project requirements and error you get 👍🏼

pi0 avatar Nov 21 '23 10:11 pi0