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Results 17 hackernews issues
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[![Mend Renovate](https://app.renovatebot.com/images/banner.svg)](https://renovatebot.com) This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | Type | Update | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | [eslint](https://eslint.org) ([source](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint)) |...

[![Mend Renovate](https://app.renovatebot.com/images/banner.svg)](https://renovatebot.com) This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [node](https://togithub.com/nodejs/node) | engines | major | [`>=v14.20.0` -> `>=v16.17.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/node/v14.20.0/v16.17.0) | ---...

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more. ## Repository problems These problems occurred while renovating this repository. [View logs](https://developer.mend.io//github/nuxt/hackernews). - WARN:...

For some reason, it appears the feeds aren't loading after deploying to Cloudflare pages in SPA mode. Locally everything works fine. I'm able to reproduce if I change lazy ->...

Hi, is it possible that the New view is fetching a the page number 1 as default instead of page number 0. I checked the fetch request and is going...

Same for hn-spa.nuxts.app

Hello, If I may ask the following... I am kind of a newbie and I have a hard time understanding how this app works. I also use Vercel and I...

[![Mend Renovate](https://app.renovatebot.com/images/banner.svg)](https://renovatebot.com) This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [eslint](https://eslint.org) ([source](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint)) | [`^8.22.0` -> `^8.23.1`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/eslint/8.22.0/8.23.1) |...

[![Mend Renovate](https://app.renovatebot.com/images/banner.svg)](https://renovatebot.com) This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [@nuxtjs/eslint-config-typescript](https://togithub.com/nuxt/eslint-config) | [`^10.0.0` -> `^11.0.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/@nuxtjs%2feslint-config-typescript/10.0.0/11.0.0) | [![age](https://badges.renovateapi.com/packages/npm/@nuxtjs%2feslint-config-typescript/11.0.0/age-slim)](https://docs.renovatebot.com/merge-confidence/)...

[![Mend Renovate](https://app.renovatebot.com/images/banner.svg)](https://renovatebot.com) This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [@nuxt/devtools](https://devtools.nuxt.com) ([source](https://togithub.com/nuxt/devtools/tree/HEAD/packages/devtools)) | [`^1.0.5` -> `^1.2.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/@nuxt%2fdevtools/1.0.5/1.2.0) |...