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Nuxt bridge is not adding the head metadata into the initial loading HTML file.

Open sasanksasi opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments


Nuxt CLI v3.0.0-27460146.2ad93eb
RootDir: /projects/nuxt
Nuxt project info:


Updated package.json as follows: "nuxt": "^2.14.12", -> "nuxt-edge": "latest",

+"@nuxt/bridge": "npm:@nuxt/bridge-edge@^3.0.0-27460146.2ad93eb", +"@nuxt/devalue": "^2.0.0", +"std-env": "^3.0.1", -- added because of nuxt/bridge#175

"dev": "nuxi dev",

npm run dev

Describe the bug

Nuxt bridge is not adding the head metadata into the initial loading HTML file.

Following is config after upgrade:

import { defineNuxtConfig } from "@nuxt/bridge";

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  telemetry: false,
  ssr: false,
   ** Headers of the page
  head: {
    title: 'name',
    meta: [
      { charset: "utf-8" },
      { name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" },
      { hid: "description", name: "description", content: pkg.description },
    link: [
      { rel: "icon", type: "image/x-icon", href: "/favicon.ico" },
        rel: "stylesheet",
        href: ",400,500,700|Material+Icons",
    script: [
      { src: "" },
      { src: "" },

After using bridge After using bridge

Before using bridge Before using bridge

Additional context

No response


 WARN  Compiled with 1 warnings                                                                                             friendly-errors 11:51:27

 WARN  in ./node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs                                                                               friendly-errors 11:51:27

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'worker_threads' in '/Users/sasank/Documents/adt/projects/erp-nuxt/node_modules/fflate/esm'
                                                                                                                            friendly-errors 11:51:27
ℹ Waiting for file changes                                                                                                                  11:51:27
✔ Nitro built in 313 ms  

sasanksasi avatar Mar 18 '22 19:03 sasanksasi

same here

yulafezmesi avatar Apr 05 '22 14:04 yulafezmesi

I am having a similar issue with missing head meta tags after transitioning a Nuxt 2 SPA ssr: false that was using @nuxtjs/composition-api to nuxt-bridge using Nuxt CLI v3.0.0-rc.4-27588443.cf25525

When deploying the site to production on Vercel the Social Cards that are set using meta tags in nuxt.config.js no longer work and the <head> tag is empty on the initial HTML File (screenshot below of curl on the production app using nuxt-bridge) Screen Shot 2022-06-16 at 21 51 13

Something else I've noticed. Upon inspecting the source of the nuxt-bridge production site after the SPA has loaded all the meta tags. For Nuxt-bridge all of the meta tags are towards the bottom of <head> after all of the <style> and <link> tags where the <meta> tags used to be at the top of <head> in Nuxt 2 and in the order in which they were specified in the nuxt.config.js.

Not sure if order matters in <head> but regardless the order is now different in nuxt-bridge, perhaps a clue to the underlying issue here.

sankhagowit avatar Jun 17 '22 03:06 sankhagowit

I'm also having this issue attempting to upgrade from nuxt 2 to nuxt bridge. Are there any known work arounds for now?

EDIT: appears to fix this for now.

bdeo avatar Jun 18 '22 15:06 bdeo

Is there a known way to inject the meta stuff manually in the head of the index.html? maybe some hook I could add?

Edit: Either I do it wrong or the generate:page hook doesn't work anymore. I try to edit the html variable, but the generated index.html stays the same @danielroe .

Edit0: I try to use

bridge: {
	meta: true

but it throws the error @vueuse/head not found. Manually installing throws the error that it needs vue 3.x. I manually forced the installation of the package.

Using it like in the bridge docs also doesn't work. There is still no content in the <head> section.

It seems that I need to add a hook outside of the nuxtJS framework to add the needed <meta> in the <head> section.

Edit1: Finally a working workaround to add the header back:

    hooks: {
        generate: {
            done(generator) {
                let extraFilePath = path.join(generator.distPath, 'index.html')
<meta data-n-head="1" charset="utf-8">
<meta data-n-head="1" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
<meta data-n-head="1" content="" data-hid="description" name="description">
<meta data-n-head="1" content="telephone=no" name="format-detection">
<link data-n-head="1" href="/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">`

                extraFilePath = path.join(generator.distPath, '200.html')
<meta data-n-head="1" charset="utf-8">
<meta data-n-head="1" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
<meta data-n-head="1" content="" data-hid="description" name="description">
<meta data-n-head="1" content="telephone=no" name="format-detection">
<link data-n-head="1" href="/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">`

But it's still broken, if I access a url path directly instead via the router. It will result in an html file with empty <head>.

Edit2: A better solution is to create a app.html file at the root of your project:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html {{ HTML_ATTRS }}>
<head {{ HEAD_ATTRS }}>
  {{ HEAD }}
  <meta data-n-head="1" charset="utf-8">
  <meta data-n-head="1" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
  <meta data-n-head="1" content="" data-hid="description" name="description">
  <meta data-n-head="1" content="telephone=no" name="format-detection">
  <link data-n-head="1" href="/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
<body {{ BODY_ATTRS }}>
{{ APP }}

MartinX3 avatar Jul 09 '22 14:07 MartinX3

This does not appear to be occurring in the latest version. Let me know if not; I'm happy to reopen.

wattanx avatar Jun 11 '23 01:06 wattanx

Hey @wattanx, bug still happens within the latest version when using ssr: false, I just created a minimal repo for testing:

Ouput when using ssr: false:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
  <head >
    <link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/1b8a5db.js"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/2b79740.js"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/7ce7b7d.js"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/d7f6c67.js"><link rel="prefetch" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/1fa85a8.js">
  <body >
    <div id="__nuxt"></div><script>window.__NUXT__=(function(a,b){return {serverRendered:false,config:{public:{},app:{baseURL:a,basePath:a,assetsPath:b,cdnURL:"",buildAssetsDir:b}}}}("\u002F","\u002F_nuxt\u002F"))</script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/1b8a5db.js" crossorigin></script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/2b79740.js" crossorigin></script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/7ce7b7d.js" crossorigin></script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/d7f6c67.js" crossorigin></script>

With ssr: true:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
  <head >
    <title>Nuxt.js starter for CSB</title><meta data-n-head="ssr" charset="utf-8"><meta data-n-head="ssr" name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><meta data-n-head="ssr" data-hid="description" name="description" content="Official Nuxt.js starter for CodeSandBox"><link data-n-head="ssr" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/5452fdc.js"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/ae4ca0a.js"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/bc5cfe3.js"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/d7f6c67.js"><link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin href="/_nuxt/1fa85a8.js"><style data-vue-ssr-id="38b0ce29:0">.nuxt-progress{background-color:#000;height:2px;left:0;opacity:1;position:fixed;right:0;top:0;transition:width .1s,opacity .4s;width:0;z-index:999999}.nuxt-progress.nuxt-progress-notransition{transition:none}.nuxt-progress-failed{background-color:red}</style>
  <body >
    <div data-server-rendered="true" id="__nuxt"><!----><div id="__layout"><div></div></div></div><script>window.__NUXT__=(function(a,b){return {layout:"default",data:[{}],fetch:{},error:null,serverRendered:true,routePath:a,config:{public:{},app:{baseURL:a,basePath:a,assetsPath:b,cdnURL:"",buildAssetsDir:b}},_asyncData:{},_errors:{}}}("\u002F","\u002F_nuxt\u002F"))</script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/5452fdc.js" crossorigin></script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/ae4ca0a.js" crossorigin></script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/bc5cfe3.js" crossorigin></script><script type="module" src="/_nuxt/d7f6c67.js" crossorigin></script>

Using bridge: { meta: true } doesn't work either.


Nuxt: both "nuxt": "^2.17.0" and "nuxt-edge 2.17.1-28131860.8edc36e" @nuxt/bridge "nuxt/bridge-edge@^3.0.0-28132497.798694a" Node: v16.20.0

onlurking avatar Jun 28 '23 19:06 onlurking