awesome icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
awesome copied to clipboard

A curated list of awesome things related to Nuxt.js

Results 25 awesome issues
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Add Web Code Tools to the list of projects built with Nuxt.

I've added a new helpful website: [**CSS gradient text**.]( which is a free online gradient text generator. Built using **nuxt 3** - **Tailwindcss 3**

This module adds a soft-block to websites it is added to that displays a message or redirects users from Russia or Belarus during the invasion of Ukraine.

add the nuxt 3 starter template

The link in the README is outdated, so I have updated the link to the module.

Adds the [Nuxt 3 FormKit module](

Adds: []( Made with Nuxt 3.

Dear all, is there any package to build flipbook view rendered from pdf files and have ability to speech the text from it's document? Expected experience : Thank you...