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What module to use for i18n with nuxt 3?
What module to use for i18n with nuxt 3 And how to configure
I'm searching for the same thing. I've found https://github.com/intlify/nuxt3 which seems to be used to connect both... But I haven't tried it yet.
@urbgimtam https://github.com/intlify/nuxt3/issues/44#issuecomment-1061605139
https://github.com/intlify/nuxt3 works but without the automatic localized routes
The work on Nuxt-3/Bridge compatible version is ongoing on the next
branch. See the readme at https://github.com/nuxt-community/i18n-module/tree/next
https://github.com/intlify/nuxt3 is a minimal module that provides a way to use vue-i18n
without any extra features provided by this module.
Is vueI18nLoader
supported yet by next/edge version?
https://github.com/intlify/nuxt3 works but without the automatic localized routes
Can you tell me more about it ? Because I cannot find a way to have the localized routes with @intlify/nuxt3...
I've found this production template of nuxt3 which is using intlify. Haven't been able to test it, though. https://github.com/productdevbook/oku-nuxt3-template If someone succeeds in using it, please let us know in the comments.
Hey guys.
I've created a little module for one of my project (this website) which allows to have localized routes using @intlify/nuxt3
. Here's a detailed guide on how to implement it.
I know it's not the perfect solution, but at least it's easy to implement, and you can perfectly adapt it according to your needs. Also, I can't share my repo source code with you because it belongs to a closed source project.
1. Install @intlify/nuxt3
If you haven't installed it, then follow the instructions here. Create a locales
folder in your app root directory. It should contain your locale JSON files, and a availableLocales.ts
file containing a list of your locales.
For instance, this is my locales
folder structure.
Click to show
├── availableLocales.ts
├── en.json
└── fr.json
And this is the content of my availableLocales.ts
Click to show
export default [
'en', 'fr'
Don't forget to configure @intlify/nuxt3
in your nuxt.config.ts
! Here's what I did.
Click to show
import availableLocales from './locales/availableLocales'
// https://v3.nuxtjs.org/api/configuration/nuxt.config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// Other Nuxt config parameters.
intlify: {
vueI18n: {
locale: availableLocales[0],
fallbackLocale: availableLocales[0],
sync: true
// ...
2. Install other required dependencies
We'll only need @nuxt/kit
. Run npm install @nuxt/kit
to install it.
3. Create the module
Create a new modules
directory inside the root folder of your app and add a generate-locale-routes
folder inside of it. Then create three files :
: It will contain our module code. -
: This plugin will allow us to configure the middleware that injects the route locale intovue-i18n
. -
: This page will be our app root and will redirect users according to their browser locale.
Here's my modules
folder structure.
Click to show
└── generate-locale-routes/
├── index.ts
├── plugin.ts
└── redirect.vue
Now, put the following content inside of generate-locale-routes/index.ts
Click to show
import { defineNuxtModule, extendPages, addPlugin, createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { NuxtPage } from '@nuxt/schema'
export default defineNuxtModule({
meta: {
name: 'generate-locale-routes',
version: '0.0.1',
configKey: 'localRoutesGenerator',
compatibility: { nuxt: '^3.0.0' }
defaults: {
availableLocales: ['en']
setup: (options) => {
const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url)
function extendPagesHook (pages: NuxtPage[]) {
const result: NuxtPage[] = []
for (const page of pages) {
for (const locale of options.availableLocales) {
name: `${locale}-${page.name}`,
path: `/${locale}${page.path}`,
file: page.file
name: 'locale-redirect',
path: '/',
file: resolver.resolve('./redirect.vue')
pages.splice(0, pages.length)
addPlugin({ src: resolver.resolve('./plugin.ts') })
Then, put the following content inside of generate-locale-routes/plugin.ts
Click to show
import { addRouteMiddleware, defineNuxtPlugin, useNuxtApp } from '#app'
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
addRouteMiddleware('change-vue-locale', (to) => {
let path = to.path
if (path.startsWith('/')) {
path = path.substring(1)
const routeParts = path.split('/')
if (routeParts.length < 1) {
const { vueApp } = useNuxtApp()
const routeLocale = routeParts[0]
if (vueApp.config.globalProperties.$i18n.availableLocales.includes(routeLocale)) {
vueApp.config.globalProperties.$i18n.locale = routeLocale
}, { global: true })
Finally, put the following content inside of generate-locale-routes/redirect.vue
Click to show
Redirecting you to the correct website language according to your browser settings,
please wait or click <nuxt-link :to="`/${locale}/`">here</nuxt-link> if you're not being redirected…
import availableLocales from '../../locales/availableLocales'
export default {
name: 'LocaleRedirect',
head: {
title: 'Redirecting'
computed: {
locale () {
let language = typeof navigator === 'undefined' ? availableLocales[0] : navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage
if (language.includes('-')) {
language = language.split('-')[0]
return availableLocales.includes(language) ? language : availableLocales[0]
mounted () {
4. Add the module to nuxt.config.ts
You should now add the generate-locale-routes
module to your nuxt.config.ts
Click to show
// https://v3.nuxtjs.org/api/configuration/nuxt.config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// Other Nuxt config parameters.
modules: [
// Other modules.
localRoutesGenerator: {
// ...
And I think we're good :wink:
@nuxtjs/i18n for Nuxt3 has been already released v8 beta version. Thank you!