color-mode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
color-mode copied to clipboard

How to use color-mode-module with unocss?

Open AxelBriche opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Hello, how can I use dark: and by example sepia: with that module with unocss?

AxelBriche avatar Jul 23 '22 11:07 AxelBriche

I don't know if this is possible to add the sepia: prefix, would love insight from @antfu

atinux avatar Sep 09 '22 08:09 atinux

From the built-in preset, currently no. But should be possible to implement. @AxelBriche would you mind to open a more detailed issue in UnoCSS's repo and let's keep track there.

antfu avatar Sep 19 '22 02:09 antfu