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OneSignal instance is not consistant, when reloading the page

Open julianschmuckli opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

I try to implement the module in my Nuxt page. But it seems it does not work properly every time.

I have setup the nuxt.config.js as follow:

  // One Signal
  oneSignal: {
    init: {
      appId: "****",
      safari_web_id: "****",
      allowLocalhostAsSecureOrigin: true,
      welcomeNotification: {
        disable: true
      promptOptions: {
        slidedown: {
          prompts: [
              type: "category",
              autoPrompt: true,
              text: {
                  "Abonniere verschiedene Themen von ABC und bleibe auf dem Laufenden.",
                acceptButton: "Abonnieren",
                cancelButton: "Später",

                negativeUpdateButton: "Abbrechen",
                positiveUpdateButton: "Aktualisieren",
                  "Ändere dein Abonnement um verschiedene Themen von ABC zu erhalten."
              delay: {
                pageViews: 2,
                timeDelay: 20
              categories: [
                  tag: "portfolio",
                  label: "Portfolio"
                  tag: "projects",
                  label: "Projekte"
                  tag: "general",
                  label: "Generell"
  // .....
  modules: [
    ["vue-scrollto/nuxt", { duration: 300 }]

And there is an method where I want to show the category slidedown:

async open() {
    try {
        await this.$OneSignal.showCategorySlidedown({ force: true });
    } catch (e) {

Because when it works, the output of this.$OneSignal instance is: class Bi{static setDefaultNotificationUrl(e){return Object(d.a)(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!Ri.isValidUrl(e,{allowNull:!0}))throw new InvalidArgumentError.a("url",InvalidArgumentError.b.Malformed);y…

Now when I reload the page and the showCategorySlidedown function does not work, but does not give any warning. Instead I checked the instance again and it looks like an other instance. OneSignalStubES6 {VERSION: 151508, log: {…}, directFunctionCallsArray: Array(0), preExistingArray: Array(1), on: ƒ, …}

julianschmuckli avatar Oct 10 '21 19:10 julianschmuckli

Sat Sri Akal ji I ran into many issues with this module

ended up doing typical install onesignal

and changed scope of onesignal service worker

also adding one signal script in nuxt application head through app.html

hope this helps someone!

cingh-jasdeep avatar May 21 '22 11:05 cingh-jasdeep