moment-module copied to clipboard
updateLocale is not defined
This Moment plugin works in my Nuxt app, however I'm attempting to customize labels for .fromNow() to be shorter. To do this many people recommend making use of custom locale's, like below.
When using .fromNow( updateLocale(...
I get an error:
updateLocale is not defined
When using .fromNow()
as is, there's no issue, however there's no point as no customization occurs!
Vue template:
{{ getDateFrom(conv.lastMessage.editedAt ? conv.lastMessage.editedAt : conv.lastMessage.createdAt) }}
Custom function:
getDateFrom(givenDate) {
return this.$moment(givenDate)
updateLocale("en", {
relativeTime: {
future: "in %s",
past: "%s ",
s: "sec",
m: "%d m",
mm: "%d m",
h: "%d h",
hh: "%d h",
d: "%d d",
dd: "%d d",
M: "a mth",
MM: "%d mths",
y: "y",
yy: "%d y"