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Web framework for Racket.


Simple web framework to build restful app in Racket.


  • Web handlers with Function or Class.
  • Friendly way to define url routers.
  • Pluggable middlewares when request and response.
  • Request params check and collector.
  • Entirely on the racket webserver lib.


raco pkg install vela


  #lang racket
  (require vela)

  (define index
    (lambda (req)
      (jsonify (hash 'msg "hello world!" ))))

  (define routers
      (url "/" index "index")))

  (app-run routers #:port 8000)

Define Handler

There two ways to define a handler.

Use handler%

(define hello-handler
  (class handler%

    (define/public (get [id null])
      (define req (get-field request this))
      (jsonify (hash 'code 200 'msg "handle get" )))

    (define/public (post)
      (jsonify (hash 'code 200 'msg "handle post" )))

    (define/public (put id)
      (jsonify (hash 'code 200 'msg "handle put" )))

    (define/public (delete id)
      (jsonify (hash 'code 200 'msg "handle delete" )))


Use simple function:

(define index-handler
  (lambda (req)
    (jsonify (hash 'code 200 'msg "hello api" ))))


(define (index-handler req)
  (jsonify (hash 'code 200 'msg "hello api" )))


Use jsonify to return JSON content.

(jsonify (hash 'name "rosso" 'msg "hello world!"))

Use render to render TEXT or HTML template.

plain text

(render "hello world!")

HTML template

(require web-server/templates)
(render (include-template "index.html"))

URL routes

Use urls and url function to define route.

(define routers
    (url "/" index-handler "handler with function")))

Use url-group grouping routes.

(define api-v1 (url-group "/api/v1"))

(define routers
      (url "/hellos" hello-handler "hello-list/post")
      (url "/hello/:id" hello-handler "hello-put/delete/get"))))

Use middleware

Use middleware in url or url-group. Whether it is request middleware or response middleware. When it returns a can-be-response?, the entire request will be interrupted and the responsed by the middleware will be returned.


;; handler
(define (index req)
  (jsonify "hello!"))

;; middlewares
(define (request-middleware req)
  (jsonify "hi!"))

(define (response-middleware req resp)
  (jsonify "bye!"))

;; url groups
(define req-urls
  (url-group "/req" #:on-request (list request-middleware)))

(define resp-urls
  (url-group "/resp" #:on-response (list response-middleware)))

(define req-and-resp-urls
  (url-group "/both" #:on-request (list request-middleware) #:on-response (list response-middleware)))

;; routers
(define middles-test-routers
    (url "/req" index  #:on-request (list request-middleware) "request-middleware")
    (url "/resp" index  #:on-response (list response-middleware) "response-middleware")

      (url "/test" index "test-req"))

      (url "/test" index "test-resp"))

      (url "/test" index "test-req-and-resp"))))

request middleware should set a request argument is request context. response middleware must set request and response arguments.

Customize Headers

You need require make-header from request-structs package.

   (only-in web-server/http/request-structs

(define my-headers
    (make-header #"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" #"*")
    (make-header #"Access-Control-Allow-Methods" #"PUT, POST, GET, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS")))

Customize Response

Use responsefuction

(define (my-custom-rsp xml-doc)
    #:headers my-headers
    #:mime #"application/xml"
    #:body xml-doc))


Very simple apps build with Vela in the examples folder.


Licensed under the MIT License.