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Guest Customization (Metadata) is broken - util.py[WARNING]: Broken config drive: /dev/sr0

Open brunobenchimol opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments

Nutanix Cluster Information

AOS: 5.20 LTS Prism Central: pc.2021.9

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.0.9 on linux_amd64

  • provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/random v3.1.0
  • provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/template v2.2.0
  • provider registry.terraform.io/nutanix/nutanix v1.2.1

Affected Resource(s)

  • nutanix_virtual_machine

Terraform Configuration Files

resource "nutanix_virtual_machine" "vm" {
  name                 = "${local.vm_prefix_name}-${count.index}"
  count                = local.vm_instance_count

  cluster_uuid         = data.nutanix_cluster.cluster.id
  num_sockets          = var.vm_cpu
  memory_size_mib      = var.vm_memory

  boot_type = "UEFI"

  disk_list {
    data_source_reference = {
      kind = "image"
      uuid = data.nutanix_image.image.id

 guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data = base64encode(jsonencode(data.template_file.metadata.rendered))
 guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data = base64encode(data.template_file.userdata.rendered)

  nic_list {
    subnet_uuid = data.nutanix_subnet.subnet.id
instance_id: testvm2
hostname: testvm2
local-hostname: testvm2
fqdn: testvm2.example.local
preserve_hostname: false

  version: 2
      dhcp4: false 
        search: [ "example.local"] 
        addresses: [ "" , "" ]          

user: root
password: password
chpasswd: {expire: False}
ssh_pwauth: True
 - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA31098390128390128309128dPByi0AZUDOyk/tGoMOPcGgj5IBq+eXv5u+PEsJuEGG0tb+hy0oPBeiIrE7LPlMbQL6lj6K4l+78VR79VyVS2g9U2VtUaI45sn6NO+Grh0WvlLUDDQBtxlfPcwDTXt10tC7izkI+4kGCitxSNG6+xt11xJgFZ03vQFP2U1Hfu9NEoyLEIPzNn3nDnKFQIDLbvGlPW9sY6jxH2XT1bD5AmQv8ZT8QOg6x1T8Gdyt7oNZ30c+2TbJd4HrEK8Q6ZzJeS37DA6KiJpwq9Q8z3ucuzd3+/phbISz5s11VS8/7UPzd1CbU1kxSwhEDoyput2F0teL/+h1DCkde3QMXmDtStuzujmEdCBC0VWuNECdohHaPHjNLZF0CiLYTL/nUQn7X1QWSH/rsABUqMBw2hn0s6zDPbVSTqHTxKqcTBj8nejSvsQnF0gEGimVGFYlRWlx3WJScbU5YgIYee8Gir9XW3tAEdzJymfJgzKirM=

disable_root: false #Enable root access
#ssh_pwauth: yes #Use pwd to access (otherwise follow official doc to use ssh-keys)

  - mkdir -p /mnt/kickstart2
  - mkdir -p /mnt/cloud-init-ok

final_message: "The system is prepped, after $UPTIME seconds"

  timeout: 30
  mode: reboot

Expected Behavior

Instance Metadata works as expected (https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/instancedata.html) and configure "network".

Actual Behavior

Breaks cloud-init and configures nothing yielding error: util.py[WARNING]: Broken config drive: /dev/sr0

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform apply

Important Factors

  1. Running against Prism Central
  2. If you use just "userdata" (guest_customization_cloud_init_user_data) it works as expected, but if you use guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data it breaks everything and does not run anything.
  3. Prism UI Interface does not have space for "metadata", only custom script (user-data). ​


Similar issue. It should not needed to jsencode() metadata. Should be base64encode as most of providers implementations.

  • #294

brunobenchimol avatar Nov 06 '21 01:11 brunobenchimol

Hi @brunobenchimol,

Few things here:

  • The network configuration you are trying to do is done with network-config and not with meta_data
  • We don't support passing network-config at this time
  • network-config has the requirement of netplan
  • You can accomplish something similar using user-data with write_files and adding the configuration you shared to /etc/netplan/my-network.yaml
  • I've not tried yet with TF, but meta_data works via the API when base64encoding a JSON file. It has to have at least the k/v instance-id and uuid { "instance-id": "6df1888b-f373-41cf-b960-3786e60a28ef", "uuid": "6df1888b-f373-41cf-b960-3786e60a28ef" }

pipoe2h avatar Dec 22 '21 16:12 pipoe2h

Hello @pipoe2h.

Thanks for helping. I would like to add more info to help.

I did some tweaks using user-data with write_files:


- content: |
    %{ if dhcp == true }BOOTPROTO=dhcp
    %{ else }BOOTPROTO=none
    %{ if dns1 != "" ~}DNS1=${dns1}${"\n"}%{ endif ~}
    %{ if dns2 != "" ~}DNS2=${dns2}${"\n"}%{ endif ~}
    %{ if dns3 != "" ~}DNS3=${dns3}${"\n"}%{ endif ~}
    IPV6INIT=no %{ endif }
  path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${interface}
  owner: root:root
  permissions: '0644'

Its like hard-coded for CentOS/RHEL since they do not ship/support netplan. Netplan is working on Debian/Ubuntu. But my main point is to support network-config using Cloud-Init (https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config-format-v2.html)

Cloud-init also supports legacy formats aswell (ifup/ifdown). From my testing Cloud-Init reads network-config using "metadata" and not "userdata". It looks like cloud-init is designed to "read" network config from a separate input other than user_data. Also i could not make it work when using user_data (testing on VM, not TF with PE).

Regarding to Nutanix, i tried using Prism Element to test it using Web, but only could input user_data, but i am really into using directly the API yet ,but API i was looking into https://www.nutanix.dev/reference/prism_element/v2/api/vms/post-vms-createvm and could not find meta_data on vm_customization_config object.

I do not know if you guys did not support this because you already have IPAM built-in on AOS but it would surely make flexible and compatible with cloud-init. Currently the only issue it bogs me down is that i cannot create virtual machines with static ip address this way.

if Nutanix does not support network-config atm, what do we work with meta_data on vm customization?! When using Prism is not avaliable on the UI.

Where does https://registry.terraform.io/providers/nutanix/nutanix/latest/docs/data-sources/virtual_machine#guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data into the API or which files are generated? Kind got lost on the documentation vs API vs cloud-init.

guest_customization_cloud_init_meta_data - The contents of the meta_data configuration for cloud-init. This can be formatted as YAML or JSON. The value must be base64 encoded.

Thanks for helping out!

Best regards,

brunobenchimol avatar Dec 22 '21 23:12 brunobenchimol

@brunobenchimol my understanding about network_config is that it requires a separated file and it doesn't use meta_data.json. It just has a reference to the file with the format "network_config": { "content_path": "/content/0000" }

We use the OpenStack implementation with ConfigDrive, so for using network version 2 configuration you need to create an additional file called network_data.json along with meta_data.json and user-data, but as mentioned, we don't have that implementation, you can only pass via PC v3 API user-data and meta_data.json

meta_data.json is not meant for end-users use but rather for integrations coming from other software. This is the reason to not be exposed in the UI and only available in the PC v3 API.

Here is a screenshot of a VM that I have created via PC v3 API passing user-data and meta_data (base64encoded JSON payload that has to include instance-id and uuid)


We have customers using static IP configuration just with user-data. If you need an example of this, please let me know.

pipoe2h avatar Dec 22 '21 23:12 pipoe2h

I would like that example so i can test it out on my enviroment and get back to you. I am not quite sure my "workaround" using user-data and write_files was the best approach to that issue.

I also did the following to set hostname because it was also on network_config

  - echo -n > /etc/machine-id
  %{ if dhcp != true }- hostnamectl set-hostname ${hostname}.${domain} 
  %{ endif }

I will also try to spin up the test enviroment on my next free time to add more information here after you send an example.

Best regards,

brunobenchimol avatar Dec 22 '21 23:12 brunobenchimol

Here is an example that we use with our Calm automation software.

package_upgrade: false
hostname: @@{name}@@
fqdn: @@{name}@@.@@{domain}@@
manage_etc_hosts: true
ssh_pwauth: true

  - path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens3
    content: |

  - [ifdown, ens3]
  - [ifup, ens3]

manage_resolv_conf: true
  nameservers: ['@@{dns1}@@']
    - @@{domain}@@
  domain: @@{domain}@@
    rotate: true
    timeout: 1

pipoe2h avatar Dec 23 '21 00:12 pipoe2h

Another one. It depends on the Linux distribution and version.

password: changeme
disable_root: False
ssh_pwauth: True
  - name: "admin"
    groups: sudo
    shell: /bin/bash
    lock_passwd: false
    sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
 list: |
 expire: False
  - path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
    content: |
  - systemctl disable NetworkManager kdump
  - systemctl stop NetworkManager kdump
  - systemctl enable network.service
  - systemctl restart network

pipoe2h avatar Dec 23 '21 00:12 pipoe2h

Hello back. I did make it work with your scripts. A slightly modified version to pick up variables from Terraform instead of Calm syntax.

I also was fiddling around with RHEL8 (which does not support netplan) on another scenario (different hypervisor - ESXi) and updated cloud-init to use lastest plugins. I know it wont apply to terraform nutanix provider but is still some testing with cloud-init itself.

[root@vm-app-84m0z-0 ~]# cloud-init query ds
 "_doc": "EXPERIMENTAL: The structure and format of content scoped under the 'ds' key may change in subsequent releases of cloud-init.",
 "meta_data": {
  "hostname": "vm-app-84m0z-0",
  "instance_id": "vm-app-84m0z-0",
  "local_hostname": "vm-app-84m0z-0",
  "local_ipv4": "",
  "local_ipv6": "fe80::250:56ff:feb6:496b%ens192",
  "network": {
   "config": {
    "ethernets": {
     "ens192": {
      "addresses": [
      "dhcp4": false,
      "gateway4": "",
      "nameservers": {
       "addresses": [
       "search": [
    "version": 2
   "interfaces": {
    "by_ipv4": {
     "": {
      "broadcast": "",
      "mac": "00:50:56:b6:49:6b",
      "netmask": ""
    "by_ipv6": {},
    "by_mac": {
     "00:50:56:b6:49:6b": {
      "ipv4": [
        "addr": "",
        "broadcast": "",
        "netmask": ""
      "ipv6": []
  "preserve_hostname": false

I do not have an OpenStack to spin off some tests and check more details.

Merry Xmas!

brunobenchimol avatar Dec 24 '21 16:12 brunobenchimol

Sorry forgot to mention the plugin (https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/21.4/topics/datasources/vmware.html) or if running older cloud-init releases (https://github.com/vmware-archive/cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo).

I also tested on a Ubuntu 20.04 release (Debian bullseye/sid) which comes with:

root@vm-app-3wtri-0:~# cloud-init --version
/usr/bin/cloud-init 21.3-1-g6803368d-0ubuntu1~20.04.4

Its quite different hypervisors but same cloud-init meta_data {} field.

brunobenchimol avatar Dec 24 '21 18:12 brunobenchimol

This could be an API issue, so need to wait for the fix from API side.

premkarat avatar Feb 17 '22 10:02 premkarat