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A Haskell Package for unescaping unicode characters in print and show.

unicode-show : readable unicode characters in print and show. Build Status

Provides a interactive printer for printing Unicode characters in ghci REPL. Our design goal is that uprint produces String representations that are valid Haskell String literals, and uses as many Unicode printable characters as possible. Hence read . ushow == id

See the tests of this package for detailed specifications.


With print :

$ ghci
> ["哈斯克尔7.6.1"]

With uprint :

$ ghci -interactive-print=Text.Show.Unicode.uprint Text.Show.Unicode
Ok, modules loaded: Text.Show.Unicode.
> ("Хорошо!",["哈斯克尔7.6.1的力量","感じる"])
> "改\n行"

You can make uprint the default interactive printer in several ways. One is to cabal install unicode-show, and add the following lines to your ~/.ghci config file.

import qualified Text.Show.Unicode
:set -interactive-print=Text.Show.Unicode.uprint


  • https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11529
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5535512/how-to-hack-ghci-or-hugs-so-that-it-prints-unicode-chars-unescaped?lq=1