Dan Nurmi
Dan Nurmi
Hi @dustyhorizon - thanks for the insight! In order to proceed, we’ll need to make sure that the analyzer driver that uses docker python library remains functional after updating the...
Thanks @dustyhorizon for the check/test - we'll investigate moving the 'localanchore' driver to the latest docker python library, but in the meantime note that many of our users are finding...
hi @tripolitrax Quick thing first - there is a separate project for 'anchore-engine' where it would be better to file this issue (want to make sure everyone who can help...
@tripolitrax - in fact, the issue might very well be related to the config.yaml formatting - indentation is necessary in our config.yaml, and if your config.yaml has lost the indentation...
some additional context on this finding, as an attempt to reproduce by building/pushing an image with the provided Dockerfile was unsuccessful (in that the resulting image would analyze normally, without...
More context - anchore uses skopeo to download image for analysis, with a command like: ``` skopeo copy --remove-signatures --src-tls-verify=true --src-creds "${SKOPUSER}":"${SKOPPASS}" docker://docker.io/some/repo@sha256:79fe86c297a8503c2504d9c3669d915d7de5c5b71901abcb07c438998d9c0bd9 oci:/tmp/foobar/raw:image ``` In the case discussed here,...