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how set the LAYOUT_WATERFALL or other Options

Open boardmain opened this issue 10 years ago • 5 comments

hi how to set the LAYOUT_WATERFALL or the columnCount with alloy? all options are ignored

im doing this alloy.js

Alloy.Globals.collectionView = require("de.marcelpociot.collectionview");


 var data  = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++){
           info : {text:'CIAO'+i, color:'red'}
    var listSection = Alloy.Globals.collectionView.createCollectionSection({headerTitle: "data"});
    data = null;


<ListView id="listaLotti" defaultItemTemplate="griglia" width="Ti.UI.FILL"  layout="Alloy.Globals.collectionView.LAYOUT_WATERFALL" height="Ti.UI.FILL"  module="CollectionView" method="createCollectionView" renderDirection="Alloy.Globals.collectionView.DIRECTION_SHORTEST_FIRST">
                     <ItemTemplate name="griglia">
                        <View id="container" bindId="view" backgroundColor="blue">
                            <Label bindId="info" width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE"  />
                     <ItemTemplate name="lista">
                        <View id="container" backgroundColor="green" bindId="view">
                            <Label bindId="info" width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE"  />

but the layout type and the columnCount are ignored

boardmain avatar Feb 27 '15 15:02 boardmain

this worked for me: ListView id="listView" backgroundColor="white" defaultItemTemplate="template" module="CollectionView" method="createCollectionView" columnCount="2" layout=1

ehijzen avatar Mar 27 '15 14:03 ehijzen

Did you solve this? I'm not sure if it works inside the XML files, but it should work this way in the TSS files

mpociot avatar May 12 '15 19:05 mpociot

I'm having issues setting the properties as well. I tried everything TSS, XML.

    <NavigationWindow id="itemsRoot" platform="ios">
        <Window id="win" fullscreen="true" navBarHidden="true">
            <Require id="navBar" required="true" src="navigation.navBar" type="widget"/>
            <ListView id="itemList" columnCount="2" backgroundColor="white" defaultItemTemplate="item" module="CollectionView" method="createCollectionView">
                    <ItemTemplate name="item">
                        <View id="itemContainer" bindId="itemContainer">
                            <View id="imageContainer" bindId="imageContainer">>
                                 <ImageView id="image" bindId="image"/>
                            <View id="bubble" bindId="bubble">
                                <View id="bubbleBG" bindId="bubbleBG"/>
                                <View id="ratingContainer" bindId="ratingContainer">
                                    <Label id="ratingLabel" bindId="ratingLabel"/>
                                    <ImageView id="starImage "bindId="startImage"/>
                                <Label id="upVoteCountLabel" bindId="upVotCountLabel"/>
                            <View id="itemLabelBG" bindId="itemLabelBG"/>                  
                            <View id="itemLabelContainer" bindId="itemLabelContainer">
                                <View id="titleContainer" bindId="titleContainer">
                                    <Label id="titleLabel" bindId="titleLabel"/>
                                <View id="bottomTextContainer" bindId="bottomTextContainer">
                                    <Label id="distanceNumberLabel" bindId="distanceNumberLabel"/>
                                    <Label id="priceNumberLabel" bindId="priceNumberLabel"/>
                            <ImageView id="banner" bindId="banner"/>
                <ListSection id="items" name="items" columnCount="2" module="de.marcelpociot.collectionview" method="createCollectionSection"/>

"#win": {
    "backgroundColor": Alloy.CFG.colors.backgroundLightest
"#navBar": {
    screenTitleText: "",
    leftButton: "menuButton",
    logo: "logo"
    columnCount: 2,
    minimumColumnSpacing: 10,
    minimumInteritemSpacing: 10
    columnCount: 2,
    minimumColumnSpacing: 10,
    minimumInteritemSpacing: 10
    columnCount: 2,
    itemSpacing: 10,
    lineSpacing: 10
    columnCount: 2,
    minimumColumnSpacing: 10,
    minimumInteritemSpacing: 10
"#itemContainer": {
    backgroundColor: Alloy.CFG.colors.itemBG,
    height: 200,
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    right: 0,
    top: 5,
    borderRadius: 8
"#imageContainer": { 
    backgroundColor: Alloy.CFG.colors.backgroundLightMedium,
    touchEnabled: false,
    left: 0,
    right: 0,
    top: 0,
    bottom: 0
"#image" :{
    width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    height: Ti.UI.SIZE  
"#bubble": {
    //backgroundColor: "red",
    height: 36,
    width: 36,
    borderRadius: 18,
    top: 5,
    right: 5
"#bubbleBG": {
    backgroundColor: "black",
    opacity: 0.4,
    height: 36,
    width: 36,
    borderRadius: 18
"#ratingContainer": { 
    width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    height: 15,
    layout: "horizontal"
"#ratingLabel": {
    "text": "4.5",
    minimumFontSize: 12,
    width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    "color": Alloy.CFG.colors.textLight,
    "font" : Alloy.CFG.fonts.semiBold12,
    textAlign: Titanium.UI.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT
"#starImage": {
    "height": "10",
    "width": "10",
    left: 1,
"#upVoteCountLabel": {
    "text": "+5",
    minimumFontSize: 10,
    left: 5,
    right: 5,
    textAlign: Titanium.UI.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER,
    "color": Alloy.CFG.colors.textLight,
    "font" : Alloy.CFG.fonts.semiBold12
"#banner": {
    image: "/images/community_need_banner.png", 
    touchEnabled: false,
    height: 60,
    width: 60,
    top: 0,
    left: 0
"#image": {
    defaultImage: "/images/logoAloneLight.png",
    touchEnabled: false,
    width: 200,
    height: 200
"#itemLabelBG": {
    //backgroundColor: "black", 
    backgroundImage: "/images/gradient_square.png",
    //opacity: 0.5,
    "bottom": "0",
    "left": "0",
    "right": "0",
    "height": 50
"#itemLabelContainer": {
    backgroundColor: "transparent",
    "bottom": "0",
    //"layout": "vertical",
    "left": "0",
    "right": "0",
    "height": 50
"#titleContainer": {
    "left": "0",
    "right": "0",
    height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
    bottom: 16
"#titleLabel": {
    "text": "CAT 5 CABLE",
    //"minimumFontSize": "10",
    "height": Ti.UI.SIZE,
    "left": 5,
    "right": 5,
    "color": Alloy.CFG.colors.textLight, 
    "font" : Alloy.CFG.fonts.semiBold14
"#bottomTextContainer": {
    //backgroundColor: "red", 
    height: 13,
    left: 5,
    right: 5,
    bottom: 3
"#distanceNumberLabel": {
    width: "49%",
    left: 0,
    "text": "2.5",
    "minimumFontSize": 12,
    "color": Alloy.CFG.colors.textLight,
    "font" : Alloy.CFG.fonts.semiBold12
"#priceNumberLabel": {
    width: "49%",
    right: 0,
    "text": "$2.50",
    "minimumFontSize": 12,
    "color": Alloy.CFG.colors.textLight,
    "font" : Alloy.CFG.fonts.semiBold12,
    textAlign: Titanium.UI.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT

amigoni avatar Jun 02 '16 03:06 amigoni

hi, any new about this issue, I can't set layout LAYOUT_WATERFALL

genocsb avatar Apr 16 '18 15:04 genocsb

I am not able to set the properties either, is on the tss file or on the xml element for ListView?

torlanco avatar Nov 06 '19 18:11 torlanco