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Question: Meteor mysql-live-select as a backend for React-Native

Open cliqer opened this issue 8 years ago • 0 comments

Sorry to add this as an issue but cannot find an answer anywhere.

I am trying to understand how to pass Mysql data from meteor to react-native using mysql-live-select. I can connect using the MysqlSubscription from numtel:mysql but still cannot figure out how to do it using the npm package.

  • Can you please create a full server-client example?
  • How can I export the received diff data to a react-native client using react-native-meteor?

This is my code so far in meteor server:

import {Meteor} from "meteor/meteor";
import LiveMysql from "mysql-live-select";

Meteor.startup(() => {
    var settings = {
        host: 'localhost',
        user: 'user',
        password: 'pass',
        database: 'test',
        serverId: 1,
        minInterval: 200

    const liveDb = new LiveMysql(settings);

    var closeAndExit = function () {

    process.on('SIGTERM', closeAndExit);
    process.on('SIGINT', closeAndExit);

    const table = 'jp9sa_k2_items';

    Meteor.publish('news', () => {
            "SELECT * FROM " +
            "( " +
            "SELECT, " +
            "jp9sa_k2_categories.`name` AS category, " +
            " AS catid, " +
            "jp9sa_k2_items.alias, " +
            "jp9sa_k2_items.title, " +
            "jp9sa_k2_items.hits AS hits, " +
            "jp9sa_k2_items.introtext AS text, " +
            "jp9sa_k2_items.fulltext AS ftext, " +
            "CONVERT_TZ(jp9sa_k2_items.publish_up,'+00:00','+03:00') AS date " +
            "FROM jp9sa_k2_categories INNER JOIN jp9sa_k2_items " +
            "ON = jp9sa_k2_items.catid " +
            "WHERE jp9sa_k2_items.published = 1 " +
            "AND CONVERT_TZ(jp9sa_k2_items.publish_up,'+00:00','+03:00') <= NOW() " +
            "AND jp9sa_k2_items.trash = 0 " +
            "ORDER BY date DESC " +
            "LIMIT 0, 20" +
            ") AS T1 " +
            "ORDER BY date ASC",
            [{table: table}]
        ).on('update', function (diff, data) {
            // diff contains an object describing the difference since the previous update
            // data contains an array of rows of the new result set

Many Thanks

cliqer avatar Aug 20 '16 17:08 cliqer