numerai-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
numerai-cli copied to clipboard

Fully automated submission workflow in the cloud for <$1/mo


CircleCI PyPI

Welcome to Numerai CLI, if you haven't heard of Numerai see our docs to learn more. Currently, this CLI configures a Numerai Prediction Node in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that you can deploy your models to. This solution is architected to cost less than $5/mo on average, but actual costs may vary. It has been tested and found working on MacOS/OSX, Windows 8/10, and Ubuntu 18/20, but should theoretically work anywhere that Docker and Python 3 are available.

If you have any problems, questions, comments, concerns, or general feedback, please refer to the Troubleshooting and Feedback before posting anywhere.


  • Getting Started
  • Upgrading to 0.3.0
  • Node Configuration Tutorial
  • List of Commands
  • Troubleshooting and Feedback
  • Uninstall

Getting Started

  1. Sign up a Numerai Account, get your Numerai API Keys, and your first Model:

    1. Sign up at and log in to your new account
    2. Go to > "Your API keys" section > click "Add"
    3. Name your key and check all boxes under "Scope this key will have"
    4. Enter your password and click "Confirm"
    5. Copy your secret public key and secret key somewhere safe
  2. Pick a Cloud Provider and follow the setup directions (Currently we only support AWS):

  3. Install Docker and Python for your Operating System (if you encounter errors or your OS is not supported, please read the troubleshooting wiki to install Python and Docker):

    • Mac Terminal (cmd + space, type terminal, select

      curl | bash
    • Ubuntu 18/20 Terminal (ctrl + alt + t):

      sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libcurl4 curl && sudo curl | sudo bash
    • Windows 10 Command Prompt (windows key, type cmd, select Command Prompt):

      powershell -command "$Script = Invoke-WebRequest ''; $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Script.Content); Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock"
  4. After the setup script confirms Python and Docker, install numerai-cli via:

    pip3 install --upgrade numerai-cli --user


    • This command will also work to update to new versions of the package in the future.
    • If you are using python venv then drop the --user option. If you don't know what that is, disregard this note.


Upgrading numerai-cli will always require you to update the package itself using pip:

pip install --upgrade numerai-cli --user

0.1/0.2 -> 0.3.0

CLI 0.3.0 uses a new configuration format that is incompatible with versions 0.1 and 0.2, but a command to migrate you configuration is provided for you. Run this in the directory you ran numerai setup from the previous version:

numerai upgrade


Some updates will make changes to configuration files used by Numerai CLI. These will require you to re-run some commands to upgrade your nodes to the newest versions:

  • numerai setup will copy over changes to files in the $HOME/.numerai directory
  • numerai node config will apply those changes to a node

Node Configuration Tutorial

If you know you have all the prerequisites and have your AWS and Numerai API Keys at hand, you can run these commands to get an example node running in minutes:

numerai setup
numerai node config --example tournament-python3
numerai node deploy
numerai node test

Your compute node is now setup and ready to run. It saves important configuration information in $USER_HOME/.numerai/nodes.json. This directory is VERY IMPORTANT! If you lose this directory without destroying your nodes, it creates very serious problems, so make sure you backup these files regularly.

The nodes.json file also includes the url for your Node Trigger. This trigger is registered with whichever model you specified during configuration. Each trigger will be called Saturday morning right after a new round opens, and if the related job fails it will be triggered again around 24 hours later.


  • The default example does not make stake changes; you will still have to do that manually. Please refer to the numerapi docs for the methods you must call to do this.
  • You can view resources and logs in the AWS Console (region us-east-1) for your ECS Cluster and other resources

NEXT: read the Prediction Nodes wiki to learn about Numerai Examples and how to customize Prediction Nodes.

List of Commands

Use the --help option on any command or sub-command to get a full description of it:

numerai --help
numerai [command] --help
numerai [command] [sub-command] --help

Each command or sub-command takes its own options, for example if you want to copy the numerai signals example and configure a node for a signals model with large memory requirements you'd use something like this (replacing [MODEL NAME] with the relevant signals model name):

numerai node -m [MODEL NAME] -s config -s mem-lg -e signals-python3

Here, the node command takes a model name with -m and a flag -s to detect if it's a signals model or numerai model. The config sub-command also takes a -s option to specify the size of the node to configure.

Troubleshooting and Feedback

Before messaging the Rocketchat channel or creating a Github issue, please read through the following (especially the "Troubleshooting" section in the wiki):

If you still cannot find a solution or answer, please join us on the RocketChat #compute Channel and include the following information with your issue/message:

  • The commands you ran that caused the error (even previous commands)
  • Version information from running:
    • pip3 show numerai-cli
    • python -V
    • docker -v
  • System Information from running
    • Mac: system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType && system_profiler SPHardwareDataType
    • Linux: lsb_release -a && uname -a
    • Windows: powershell -command "Get-ComputerInfo"

If you do not include this information, we cannot help you.


numerai uninstall
