nuclear copied to clipboard
linux icon
when installing the app with the .deb file, nuclear app doesnt have an icon. Has someone a clue ?
same with the appImage
Longstanding issue with electron-builder:
@nukeop Try icns/ico conversion for mac/linux in the above thread...
Wasn't this solved in #737? There's no icon (anymore?). It can probably be solved somehow.
Yah I think this can be closed now
Sorry for being unclear: there's no icon with v0.6.16. I thought it was solved but it looks like the same problem occurred again. Edit: I think the nuclear.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/ has to be deleted first. Edit2: that didn't help. I also checked that there's no nuclear.desktop file in /usr/share/applications after removing nuclear. After reinstallation of the .deb no icon is shown and /usr/share/applications/nuclear.desktop (it's no longer in ~/.local/share/applications/) has this content:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/opt/nuclear/nuclear %U
Name[es]=Reproductor de música Nuclear
Comment[es]=Reproductor que retransmite música desde fuentes encontradas automáticamente.
Comment=Streaming music player that finds music sources automatically.
After running
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/nuclear.desktop
sudo rm /home/username/.local/share/applications/nuclear.desktop
sudo dpkg -P nuclear
sudo dpkg -i ./nuclear-v0.6.17.deb
still no icon is set. Is an icon showing for other people on Linux? Should I run other commands to fully remove nuclear? Please readd the icon.
Not for me, I'm on openSUSE and i had to set the icon manually
My solution was linking nuclear's icon to ~/.icons/
. No need to touch nuclear.desktop file.
ln -s /usr/share/icons/*/*/*/nuclear.png ~/.icons/
I found actual path of nuclear.png:
nuclear.png -> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/0x0/apps/nuclear.png